
I'm on board. Hiddleston = delicious. I loved the first film for the same reasons we all do but it had some pretty bad acting in it, so a reboot for me might work just fine. Is there another Fanning out there we can get to play Sarah?

Baldwin woulda been stellar but as a non-Tim Allen-fan, I thought he was just fine in it. In fact, being already kind of a C+ TV star at the time worked in his favor; he didn't overshadow the greats playing all the other parts. Enrico Colantoni was so goddamned brilliant in that film.

I don't know anything about this, but is it going to be a lot of kids awkwardly 'flying' around on rigs with their feet crossed like Tinkerbell? Hm.

Long ago I had a weird experience where I was working an event for the Dalai Lama. Ford and a bunch of other Steven Seagal-type celebs were hosting it. You could get in line and get blessed by the Dalai Lama, which was beautiful but kind of odd. So I'm in line and Harrison Ford is right behind me, but seriously, dude,

That was comedy, but man, I wouldn't want Harrison Ford yelling at me. He scary.

That is a rad idea and totally smart execution.

Oh my god you're right!! Yet another reason why Groundhog Day is one of the sleeper movies of all time.

So amazing. Shit, I remember way back in the day when I saw (*ahem, cough*) 'Pearl Harbor,' and was like 'who is that one guy who's actually funny and interesting to watch in this giant turd?' Michael Shannon!

Ugh, you are clearly arguing for the sake of arguing by repeating yourself. Also, I haven't failed, I'm a successful designer with a lot of experience, both good and bad.

Please don't preach to me about 'giving up' or as though I don't know how to handle someone stealing from me. You have no idea how many years I've spent fighting the theft of my work and are clearly not an artist yourself.

I'm sure the laws are different where you are. I am in California, where our laws are legion.

Not the case at the 3 major schools that I have attended/ currently work at, and I have been carefully aware of this ever since a project that I developed in conjunction with the Armenian government twenty years ago while a student was removed from my portfolio.

Every school I've attended/worked at has owned original rights to work done while students are paying admission. If you're a student and you are selling work done while at school - or thinking of doing it - then you should check with your administration on your school's policy.

That's not what I said, Jumps to Conclusions. If, after 3 years of schooling with me, my students don't know about copyright, rights, contracts and protection, and STILL put their work unprotected online and it's stolen, then I tell them not to come whining to me about it. Putting your work on DeviantArt is an open

If you sign a contract with a school, meaning you are a tuition-paying admitted student, generally the school owns the rights while you are a student, which is what I said. After you graduate the work may not necessarily belong to the school anymore, but it's best to check individual policies. Schools own rights in

Put it on a password-protected site - NOT DEVIANT ART, for crying out loud - and, when you interview for jobs, give the password to the person interviewing you if they want to see your portfolio. Your demo reel on Vimeo should be password-protected as well, and any work for the general public should either be work

Amen. Or, you do what I do, and put it on a password-protected site where the only people with the password are myself and my agent.

If she put the work online and did not protect it (with a password, right-click, whatever), regardless of the original owner of copyright (which would technically be the school, since she 'created it at University'), then unless she has an attorney willing to pursue action against Disney, it's too bad. I tell my VFX

I'm bummed by the score. I was SO eagerly awaiting it and I streamed it the other day...it's not as good as the Daft Punk. It's not even as good as, say, the score for 'The Island.'

I get that, but the costume designer is on record as not being a Trek fan per se and having nearly no knowledge of the previous worldbuilding. He developed the new costumes purely off the script and working with JJ, wanting it to be his own new interpretation. His point about using a pattern like that for texture is