

My Catching Fire book cover art doesn't have that flaming mockingjay on it - it has a cool graphic relating to the clock....which would be a much better teaser than what they did up there!

Oh man, I am shitting with excitement to read this. Upload to Kindle, Xenu, if you please!!

Yeah I agree that it's just as good if Chinatown...but the more I see both of those films, the more I feel Chinatown as moody and measured...great if you're feeling it, but not as fun and jazzy as Confidential.

OK, cool, I can live with that. ;)

Can anyone who's a Cap fan with story knowledge tell me if 'Winter Soldier' is just going to be all moderny-modern, or will it have any fun 1940s stuff still in it? Part of the reason I enjoyed the first film so much (entirely separately from enjoying 'Avengers') is because it felt like such a nice Johnston throwback

Not only do I never get tired of the acting, the sets, the costumes, the humor and the pacing, but somehow I manage to find something subtly new or intriguing about the story every time I watch it...which, at this point, is probably numbering in the triple-digits!

'In space, no one can hear you scheme'? Now why can't I think up awesome shit like that?

Dope. Reminds me of the chronophotographs of Marey, which are also awesome.

Yeeeeeah, everything done about the Cohen story post-'Confidential' is just gonna twist in the wind. That film remains exquisite on every possible level.

Yeeeeeah, everything done about the Cohen story post-'Confidential' is just gonna twist in the wind. That film remains exquisite on every possible level.

Yeeeeeah, everything done about the Cohen story post-'Confidential' is just gonna twist in the wind. That film remains exquisite on every possible level.

Yeeeeeah, everything done about the Cohen story post-'Confidential' is just gonna twist in the wind. That film remains exquisite on every possible level.

Yeah, book 3's gonna make for a dreary, messy movie(s). But guess what! MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY! So, sadly, it goes.

It WAS terrible. I think she gives things the college try, but man, she was shinier as Mystique, even under the blue!

Ha ha, good point. Maybe I'm just projecting! ;)

Hm. That was some awkwardly written shit. I'm hoping his editor gets a hold of that with a red Sharpie ASAP.

Jennifer Lawrence is already looking like she's wishing some lawyer would come along and get her out of this contract.

Gawd, you ain't kidding. Whatever drugs they're pumping into that guy at the Celebrity Centre sure are making him spaz out with projects lately!