
Grand-prize winner: Aack, aack, thpttthdt.

Oh, I'm so glad he got to see it...something about the way the headline reads made me think the poor man died BEFORE getting to see the film.

Yeah I have to believe, at this point, that everyone involved knew what the deal was. A smart actor like Jeremy Renner wouldn't have gone into this with his flat Modesto accent (if there is such a thing) thinking he was fooling anybody!


I just re-watched The Host and was reminded anew of what a great fucking movie it is, and how unexpected the ultimate heart of the story - family dynamics, loss, identity.

When I worked in PR back in the day JCVD came in briefly for some photo shoot that was being set up through the publicist for whatever film he was promoting, I can't remember. He went into a back room with the stylist and all of us basically swarmed the door to peek. He knew we were there so - I shit you not - the man

Magic School Bus?


Good, right? Sounds like a Miyazaki film gone awry!

I have a friend who believes that because pandas are so far off the cute scale that they must actually be agents of evil. He thinks there is a layer of pandas just under the earth's crust and in the End Times, they will erupt to the surface and become our overlords.

New season on its way!!

She's quite good in it, very natural. I do, however, think the film belongs to John Hawkes (swoon).

That's coz the flame bursts are from stock that Doug Trumbull already had. These kind of working tools aren't meant to be kept precious like the actual 35 or 65 film negs - that's probably why they look like crap at this point.

Blade Runner nerds unite!

Hear, hear. I'd also love to see a big fat exhibition the way they did with Star Trek or Harry Potter - think of how awesome it could be - all the stuff from BR plus props etc from films inspired by BR - mind-blowing! Someone get on this!!

They are definitely proto-animatics! Kubrick did the same thing in '2001' for his in-camera stuff. But 'storyboards' are technically for setting up live-action camera moves (or, in animation, setting up camera for animation) before anything is shot. You can tell the film has already been shot in these images.

Anybody know who did the neat Arthur Rackham-style art for that cover of 'Invisible World?'

Blade Runner Wonder Twin powers, activate!

These aren't storyboards. They're awesome, but they're matte production stills for in-camera effects compositing. The storyboards for Blade Runner were drawn by hand in pre-production.

I saw it at the Arclight in 3D, 48 fps with their new sound system that basically turned my bones to jelly. Insane. I wanted to see the film projected how it was shot; I'll be able to watch it in 2D for the rest of my life on my TV (or, er, at least until all our TVs are 3D like in Minority Report).