
Guillermo might be an uneven filmmaker but shitnuts is that guy articulate, brilliant and fascinating!

Yeah - I'm going to guess Sims got the gig and everyone around the office was like "Shit, who wants to deal with this one?" In comparison to the rest of their previz this looks like they made an intern do it.

Yeah, their superiority really gets to me sometimes.

Agreed. *sniff*

Thank you for this, Annalee!

Yeah, I'm willing to concede most of these - regardless of my low, low opinion of the books etc. - but these films had ZERO agenda and made ZERO impact in this regard. Advocating alternative family planning isn't part of Meyer's modus operandi by a long stretch of the imagination.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one. After the screening we were walking out, and several of the hobbits were there (it was an event screening in Los Angeles) and I yelled out, "You guys were awesome!" except I was still blubbering and sobbing madly, so everyone stared at me like I was a serial killer.

Yes. Blade Runner tried to buck the trend, but to no avail!

Well, I was hoping for something more from the dude who did 'Gattaca,' but I guess I should have kept my expectations low for a story written by someone who handles science fiction about as well as she handles vampires.

I'd also like to cast a vote for putting the kibosh on 'evil/aliens always have super light blue eyes.'

Disapproving Owls will always be disapproving.

I don't really cry at anything, but at the end of that film I began crying hysterically. I mean - HYSTERICALLY. I was making gulping and choking noises. The poor bastards next to me at the screening were leaning away from me like I'd suddenly come down with typhoid.

Yeeeeah I see little difference between these images and that Alice shitfest!

Soon! Soon, my friend!

One look at that Dawn of Bread scene and I'm off to the bakery to get a pain au chocolat!

Why do they get to has one and I don't?

That would be Lutherly delicious.

You forgot the corvids and the lolcats. It's going to be a bloody, bloody battle for Supreme Overlord.

I refer this thread to the comments going on over at Gawker about the huge shift in the Spelman athletics program away from sports to fitness. Let's take all these kids hanging around the Taco Bell and instead stick rakes in their hand and give them some hard work to do. All things in moderation of course but none of