
Y'all should take 4 minutes to watch the vid of the procedure at the link. It is flat-out extraordinary. Plus, it's revolting that someone shot this bird in the face.

Huh? Your post is nonsensical. Kids who shake spears are at the center of 'Lord of the Flies,' one of the most powerful and influential books ever written for young people.

Every time I see a trailer for this film I get a serious warm fuzzy flashback to afternoons after school spent either at the arcade near the Thrifty's, where I'd kick Centipede's ass while eating an ice cream cone that cost a quarter, or in the den at my house, playing a game of Crystal Castles against my brother that

CJ! SLYTHERIN, if you please! *adjusts Gryffindor scarf*

Yep! He is just out there trying to do awesome shit left and right.

Maru approves.

Totes! Frankly I'd like to see my guy do anything of a militaristic nature. He'd fart, try and kick everyone and then lie down. The robot mule is WAY more useful. :)

No clue what DARPA spends on these guys but a huge draft horse can still only barely carry the robot mule's payload equivalent without potential injury, and at the end of a full day (say, 8 hours of continuous movement over rough terrain), it is conceivable that that animal wouldn't be able to work the next day

Wait, am I missing something? What Syd Mead landscape?

Oh, you're right. I was chased by a phalanx of raccoons once. It was like being mowed down by an elite cavalry force - totally orchestrated. They are evil!

Tell me there's a catalogue!!

The thing I continue to find the most hilarious about this trailer is Lee Pace looking like a lousy drag queen coming off a four-day meth bender.

I would shit twice and fall back in it if they manage to get those Mad King scenes up sometime. I know it was some Irish actor who did it, but couldn't they re-shoot as a cameo to end all cameos?

I totally dug that Banks semi-rant and find the slumming lit writer idea super-interesting...especially when Ishiguro set the bar SO high with 'Never Let Me Go.' Not sure I'd call what he did 'slumming,' but still.

Even non-product placement works! :)

Yeah the phones only caught my eye for a sec - they weren't actually Nokia, they were some imaginary brand - but I agree that they had real meaning. The car just seemed SOOOO egregious!


Pups today!

Well, also I'm a storyboard artist, so when something appears in a shot that makes me go wtf? I have to wonder at the process that got it there. Which, ultimately, can be a bummer.

He uses his wet black nosey to type.