
I think her drawings are tight but I would have rather seen her take on Aunt Beast and the Mrs. than see a bunch of virtually identical images of Meg and C-dubs fighting IT.

Until one of us comes in there, trips over the mangled carcass of our renter and then gets eviscerated by the new houseguest!

The guy who lives year-round in our family ski cabin near Wildcat lets the local bears into our kitchen.

Nope. The technology will obviously have sound dampening on it by the time it's produced, otherwise it doesn't do the military much good. The Alpha in the videos is a prototype.

Not only can it get up, but the new prototype can actually tuck and roll over rough ground to right itself!

Mmmm I dunno. If I was hiding in a foxhole and that thing came staggering over the nearest rise with a 50-cal mounted on top of it, I'd shit nickels, coolness be damned!

I don't know squat about Pokemon but you don't really have to to appreciate how beautiful and charming these characters have been envisioned. Can't you imagine them frolicking through a pink and purple Mary Blair landscape?

Frank Frazetta was actually more likely inspired by earlier Burroughs illustrators like Frank Schoonover.

Waah! I'm stuck in jury duty today and the court firewall has blocked my access to this video...apparently somebody thinks fictional horny teens are a threat to democracy!

Total nudity! Irrational behavior! Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Gaah! Do your research before stepping to the left along with a bajillion others who erroneously think Collins stole her idea from BR. She was watching TV and switching back and forth between some dumb reality show and coverage of Iraq, and realized we have become a culture of violence-for-entertainment the same way

Never underestimate the Brontes! Ps, your handle is sensational.

Said it before, will say it again: Benjamin Walker = Sexy Times Yes

I noe, congrats and HODOR!

Brienne DOES look good! I had skepticals - as she is my favorite character - but I am digging her dirty manly Nordic vibe.

Nicely put. I teach concept and character design and sometimes it's tough to get students to understand that story comes first. You can make all the flash in Photoshop you want, but if you don't embrace the core idea behind the plot and the characters, then you'll ultimately end up with hollow work that doesn't

There is so much weird shit in these spoilers this morning! The kid playing Pod saying 'Pod's not exactly what he seems'? Jennifer Laurence saying her character's going to get married during the second film? Keira Knightley doing, uh, comedy? Ridley Scott resurrecting Rick Deckard in a SEQUEL? What's a girl to do!?

If Benjamin Walker doesn't bust into song and start gyrating in 'Abraham Lincoln' I'm going to be very, very disappointed.

Oh my gawd that clay looks money!

You'd only use Sculpey if you were going to bake or paint the model.