
I'm glad Fincher is sticking by his guns in noting there's nothing heroic about Lisbeth's character in the typical way that Hollywood would want to leonize a character like hers without really knowing her inner workings. I haven't seen this adaptation yet so correct me if I'm wrong, but the only thing that seems to be

Whoa that girl is terrific. I just had to watch all her vids on the YouTubes. Thanks!

Yeah, but REAL direwolves were kinda boring. You can see their skellingtons at the La Brea Tar Pits. They were, like, REGULAR SIZED. Who wants a regular sized wolf? Not me!

I did too. One that could fetch things, like pipes. Or pies.

While I am excited about Michael 'Get Your Kit Off' Fassbender getting at least part of his kit off, I am frankly disappointed at Luther's un-hotness. I guess I'll get over it somehow.

Looks like Luc Besson and Terry Gilliam had a really good-looking baby together!

Dear Ridley Scott, what does it feel like when you finally get around again to making the movies you were clearly born to make? I'm guessing it feels pretty fucking good.

I know you guys are probably mad about Thorin, but since we have no Aragorn, we ladies need some Richard Armitage hawtness instead.

Yeah, everyone is all on the Occupy tip with that but I think it's WAY more terrifying in light of the future of North Korea today.

Thank you again Annalee for pimpin' my students! :) They've worked hard!

While I thought those clips were meh enough to not bother with the film, I do always appreciate a giant dumb spinning fan.

Aah! This is why I loves the Galoops. Any other YA writer would pound out a direct sequel to a hit book, but he's sidestepping, instead giving us more of his world-building rather than pandering to the status quo. Bravo.

Always nice to see someone upholding the olde-tymey craft of actually painting with paint!

Wait, er - do they cure this disease by having sex? Coz that's what I'm getting from this.

And anyhow, isn't AGoT rooted in the Wars of the Roses, pre-dating the War on Terror by five hundred years? I think a better point might be made by stating more people now than in the 80s are willing to embrace gritty fantasy because it's reaching a broader audience, not because it has anything to do with

Bottom line: bees are the tits.

BWAH HA HA ORYX AND CRAKE. Well played, CJA and Annalee.

What does it say about me that I didn't even notice the 'empty eyes' but instead got freaked out coz it looks like he has no mouth? (I would post a gif of Neo scrabbling at his covered-up mouth, but I don't know how)

Not as nerdy as me, who bought a replica 'Marauder's Map' and hung it in my art studio.

I think it's cool that in the discussions people aren't just taking the easy way out and saying, 'Yeah, Spielie, that guy makes epic cheese, Kubrick, that guy makes epic crazy,' which is a silly oversimplification that Gilliam seems to be intimating. All three of them pursue/d a particular kind of storytelling with a