
Actually, I teach '2001' to ordinarily bored 19 year olds and they freak out about it. I always preface the film by saying 'you have to be patient with this and you'll be rewarded,' and then after, when i explain all the genuinely cool things Kubrick did that Malick did not do in 'Tree of Life', (the same film class

I bet the African Grey can!

Plus, didn't the Greeks paint their statuary and architecture in all kinds of fabulous colors?

Oop, I didn't hit 'expand' to see they were all labeled. Feh, he's totally Littlefinger. Skeez!

O shit I thought he WAS Littlefinger! It's Jaime, right? Coz his expression = Petyr.

Although I don't understand the point of a film starring those three guys that doesn't have them in a giant sex orgy together. WHAT are the Hollywood People thinking? I mean, come on!

Oh I think she's beyond 'actual human being.' Naked scientist superhero? Jaysus!


I agree with futurist. Now that you've seen the Theatrical, which is a little bit of a hot mess, netflix the Final Cut (2007, I think) and the story and characters will leap into clarity.

Mmmmm...I don't even think it's filmmaker wish fulfillment. I think it's just lazy character development. It's easy to default to a cliche.

Thank you....and I agree. I teach the Hero's Journey as one of many methods of narrative storytelling and even with students who aren't in thrall to Star Wars, it always resonates. Show 'em some crazy images of Kali and Valhalla and they're in!

Don't blame Joseph Campbell. Blame lazy storytellers and quick-fix filmmakers who pander to the lowest common denominator.

Ditto, altho I ain't the biggest Ayelet fan.

I finally saw this and, while I had a hoot of a time, loved the child actors and felt tons of nostalgic warm fuzzies, I just can't get past Neville Page's creature designs for JJ. I just can't. The moment I saw a little bit of light thrown on the creature I rolled my eyes. Mr. Abrams, next time will you hire the gang

Yeeeeah. Kyle Chandler's head is oddly flat. Struzan would never have let his leading man look like a doof on one of his posters.

Amazing!! Thank you so much - I may just take you up on your wisdom!
