
I love that you can see the big-ass camera rig sticking out of the passenger's side as it approaches the ramp

Coincidentally she's been witnessing more and more car accidents ever since she started recording Vines from her cell phone while driving.

There's a difference between bitching and moaning, and actively harassing.

He says some stupid things, but he's not racist and nor was his comment. It was out of context, and later Keiji Inafune agreed with him.

that's not racism so much as expressing an opinion about one sector of an industry. It wasn't a personal assault or insult on Japanese people, or playing on stereotypes or things of that nature. Racism is a very serious subject and I think we should all consider what it actually means before bandying it about.

I am now completely unsure of whether you're serious or not. I was being sarcastic, the reason being you called Phil Fish racist for something that was pretty far removed from racism. After that you've just rambled incoherently. Excuse me, I am no longer interested.

You weren't. It was a sarcastic response mocking the idea that he had been racist. It is sad that I have to simplify this.

He said "I think your games suck". Which in context had no racist meaning at all.
God you are an idiot. A piece of shit scum who takes things way out of context and berates a person for it. Wait does calling you all of that make me racist towards your race??? Of course it doesn't. So shut the hell up.

I'm sorry, I thought you were going to respond to my statement. Instead of rambling.


He said modern japanese games suck. SOOOO RACIST. Fez is, basically, a love letter to old school japanese games. Someone saying he's racist just doesn't make sense.

Indeed. Every time a blogger, tweeter or otherwise irrelevant person states, that he or she was part of the industry, I ask myself, if more meta trash talk is, what we need, or if it is more gaming.

lol I dont think you know what racist means. He was right for the most part, Japanese devs mostly suck now. Ni No Kuni was incredibly boring.

I fail to see how that's racist. Ignorant, yes. Biased, yes. Foolish, yes. But not racist. I don't like Japanese games for the most part. There are a few that I've got fond memories of, but for the most part I don't like them. But the key here is that I don't play them. It's the most wonderful thing about living in a

Saying Japanese developers suck isn't racist. Saying Japanese developers suck on account of the race of their employees would be.

I don't think lamenting the damage that the terrible corporate culture and structure in Japan has done on the videogames industry and developers there is racist, honestly.

That was racist? Wow. I thought it was a commentary and opinion.

I put SC over DSB. At least DSB is an actual song that's up-beat you sing to (still very bad). SC's "fun sing-along" consists of three drunken outbursts that you anxiously wait a whole verse and half the refrain to get to (because the verses and melody are horrible). Oh, and after giggling with prideful glee at the

Awfulness rankings:
1. Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American"

I'll say it. This song blows. It always has. I now hate it with every fiber of my being, and I hate that smiling, shouting retards make me almost feel guilty over being a curmudgeon. My sound distaste of a shitty song should be able to be open and shameless, without me feeling like I just went on an angry tirade while