
So an advertising firm tells its workers that it's being cool and hip by using shipping pallets for furniture when what they are really doing is trying to save money? Genius! Next up, we're going to replace your chairs with milk crates and your computer with a white board. It's the new trend, didn't you hear?

@bigdub: Agreed. Even though the dollar in the U.S. and Canada are now pretty close, we still pay a lot more for stuff like books and electronics in "exchange rates".

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Yes, Canadian ISP's are the same people who run cable/satellite so they have little incentive to improve. That said, the more tech educated Canadians know that there are alternative ISPs that offer much cheaper plans with much better service and value.

@moonshadowkati: Yes, Demon Days is the definitive Gorillaz album, but every album has its gems.

@moonshadowkati: I'm listening to my music collection on random and Gorillaz starts playing as soon as I start reading your comment. How weird is that?

"The vulnerability had first been brought to Twitter's attention a month ago."

2 quadrillionth digit of Pi? Who cares? I've calculated the answer to life, the universe and everything and it is 42.

@Xelmon: The cleanup is in the cover up.

They are "closing the book" when all they have done is stopping it from getting any worse. But the damage has been done, the damage is still there, and they aren't going to do anything about actually fixing the damage.

Might as well pack people in flat-pack IKEA boxes and ship them via cargo plane.

LOL, I live in Toronto and I haven't seen this commercial until now.

@Danny Sullivan: The proper English spelling is "mould" (quote is from BBC), but Americans write "mold".

@oopsmyeye: Had he been going 88mph, he would have found himself in 1955.

@Geisrud: Subway train cars are electric powered. They have two normal rails to guide the wheels, and a third high voltage electric rail to transfer power to the train. Touching the third rail is not a good idea.

"...taking advantage of air-temperature differences to move it around."

@jasonkenny: I'm pretty sure that's the Milky Way.

@Obsidian: Oh yeah, also this one... there are a whole series of these, very cute.