
@LARPkitten: I just bought a pair a few weeks ago specifically for barefoot running. After the initial week of achy calf muscles (using different muscles since you're landing on the ball of the foot rather than the heel), I think I feel like a stronger runner. Highly recommended.

@sammy baby: Generally agreed, but on rare, rare occasions, 4chan can be rather witty and intelligent. YouTube comments however are never, ever witty or intelligent.

@Dexomega: China's one child policy probably makes every single parent a little overprotective. So Junior isn't allowed to go swimming without PFD's as parents fear drownings.

A friend of mine proposed to his girlfriend in a photobooth. They are now approaching their one year wedding anniversary.

I thought that Doom 3 was appropriately dark. It fit the theme and added to the scary, claustrophobic experience. Anyone who says that it was too dark needs to know that there are both in-game options to increase brightness and buttons on your monitor or TV to adjust brightness. So quit complaining and admit that you

@Ashwin Mudigonda: If anyone has a right to be pompous, it's John Fucking Carmack!

I'm sorry John, but you're gonna have to run again.

@eknaap: Nope, they had a hardware refresh not too long ago. The larger models have i5/i7 processor options.

Rednecks are always pissed off about something. Pissed off 'bout them gov'ment. Pissed 'bout ain't got 'nuff guns. Pissed 'bout them lib'ral faschus commies takin' over our freedoms. Pissed 'bout ain't got 'nuff stuff to piss on 'bout.

I watched the documentary, "Who Killed the Electric Car" for the first time this week. Seems fitting, though sad that it took this long for the automotive industry to essentially pick up from where they left off over 10 years ago.

@mykalt45: Sony holds the Blu-Ray license, so I would plead with Sony rather than with Apple. Besides, have you ever tried playing a Blu-Ray movie on your computer? A friend wrote down his recent experience:

@Capone: It was developed by the combined effort of many different people, so it would be unethical to patent it and sell it when it involves the work of others. So they released it as public domain for everyone to use for free. Retr0bright isn't a trademark, it's just what they called the solution.

@Phrosty: Agreed. It's not any surprise that there is crazy markup on designer glasses. This is just stating the obvious. We need to know where to get a decent pair of good quality glasses with 100% UVA/UVB protection on the cheap.

@justinsluss1: Is that a poor attempt at a fantasy flame? If you're going to troll, at least be witty or show some form of intellect.

Arnold remastered looks like an orange fake tanned douchebag.

When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to tie my shoelaces. He taught me wrong (create 2 loops and tie them). Good going, dad! Like Kevin Purdy, I learned the right way only recently.

@8bitmac: Flickr says: "This photo was taken on July 4, 2008 in Lower Matecumbe Beach, Florida, using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi."

So the next time my computer crashes without saving my work and I bang on the keyboard in frustration, my computer will get mad and punch me back?