I vote CP simply because I’m 6'9" and could never fit in one properly and I can never experience the majestic beauty that is the Miata.
I vote CP simply because I’m 6'9" and could never fit in one properly and I can never experience the majestic beauty that is the Miata.
I’d be just fine with any one of the Shelby P cars.
I had a ragged out one. It was a wonderful car. It was one of the nicest driving cars I’ve ever had. Really nice driving position too. Great seats. Mine had the 2.5n/a motor and the 3speed auto. Good gas mileage no matter how hard I drove it. It was beat on everyday of its life. I’d have another in a heartbeat.
This car, in ES V6 form, with the quintessential 90s forest green with gold, laced wheels...
Everyone I know who likes open concept also has kids—young kids. They want to keep an eye on said kids, and they want to spend time with them. They think that this will continue into the teen years (bwah ha ha ha ha).
Your house owner sucks. Start leaving pnutbttr wrapped prunes around. That guy needs to give that dog a yard. Seriously who makes an big hungry animal live inside. Let him chase some rats.
I think in the old days walls and doors were more popular in part because central heating did not exist, or was prohibitively expensive, so you just closed the door to the parts you didn’t want to heat.
I can relate. I once chased a sandwich vendor down the street yelling “open face sucks! Give me the other piece of bread, you cheapskate!”
Funny story regarding property brothers. I was at a minor league baseball game and spotted one a few rows away. I was staring at him trying to figure out why I recognized him. We made eye contact at the exact moment I figured it out just in time for him to watch me mouth and point “PROPERTY BROTHER.” I can only…
One of the things that I love about my apartment is that it is open concept — optionally. That is: the doors slide into the walls (minus the bedrooms). So whether one opens or closes them is absolutely up to one’s discretion. I love having them all open so I can breeze right through. But, if I have guests for dinner,…
I think the Rand Paul situation was the result of a rural gay love triangle gone wrong. Some people are saying that. Some of our best people, like me.
The impetus behind this is the Texas Auto Dealers Association I would hazard to bet. They are powerful lobby in the state and always looking to “legally” screw over the citizen with the complicit help of all the politicians in the state.
Buggies are a tool. It’s the people that drive them that are the problem. As a matter of fact, we need to mandate buggie ownership for every citizen. When everyone has a buggie, then everyone will be civil.
They want to take our guns dune buggies away!!!!!
You know if I didn’t know any better... I’d be inclined to think Trump just might be a moron.
Please review.
Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and…
Rose McGowan wanted to prosecute Weinstein, but a lawyer told her that because she had done nudity in a film she would never win. You have to keep in mind Weinstein raped Rose McGowan in 1995 or 1996. She spent some of that $100,000 on therapy and the rest went to the East Los Angeles Women’s Center. Alec Baldwin…