
For years, President Obama had been shifting resources to OFA and the DNC was without money. I’m still wondering if anyone knows if the DNC has money now. Yes, I’ve heard about their 50-state financing plan, but how are they keeping the lights on and the overhead covered right now?

but the lion’s share of those funds were rerouted directly to her campaign.

Seems like a fellow I would be happy never to have a conversation with.

Not pictured: Salvage title, duct-taped front bumper, mis-matched tires.

Now I want Grace Jones to make a car ad.

you could say she was just horsing around

I see this guy on my way to work a lot. You can imagine how well he drives.

When I had my old Forester XT, I wanted to get LEZSLD. It was a no go.

Shit, that bar is set reeeeeeeeaal low.

That’s not how tax credits work. Its not other people’s money, it’s your own money that you get to keep. If your tax burden is less than the credit, you don’t get other people’s money, the credit goes unclaimed.

1st Gear: The example of Georgia used in the article isn’t the only one. Hong Kong dropped EV tax breaks this year too. Sales had been strong there (they are a very common sight on the streets) and just before the tax incentives were cut there were about 3,000 new Teslas registered there in March this year. Tax break

Neutral: electric cars will become largely irrelevant when the imminent second steam revolution happens.

Does he realize 4 of his 5 children are born to immigrant mothers?

My uncle and his family immigrated from Syria over 30 years ago. He became a chief level administrator of a major university. His eldest brother got 2 PhDs and taught as an adjunct professor in his spare time. The other sibling are similarly successful.

So, end the program that allowed my husband’s family to move here when he was a child. Got it. I always hate this man and everything he stands for, but it’s extra fun sometimes to be reminded of the ways in which my family is everything he hates.

Trump addressing the Visa program is especially hypocritical (what does he do that isn’t?) in light of his response to the Las Vegas attack.

ISIS doesn’t need to sneak people into this country to do harm. All they need is an internet connection to find people to radicalize. The only thing travel/immigration bans will do is make it easier for Bob the redneck cousinfucker in Bumblefuck Patch, Alabama to be even more racist. With the growing normalization of