
A problem with this tends to be Circulation and scrubbing the air...Humans dump LOTS of moisture into the air,and anything that is PARt of us, or In our lungs and on the body, DROP all over the place..

Just want a phone,, with the basics to work on 3g,4g...And show msg. All the services in my area, are Dropping the BAsic Phone...



ANd the police not Checking, seeing, doing anything to figure out whats happening inside..


Anyone here think its cheaper to goto Finland with your records, and get something Fixed faster??? CHEAPER,....


Funny thing, about soda tends to be SUCKING down CO2, and thinking it isnt going to harm you.. Carbon Dioxide has side affects..

Part of that is the idea they went thru HOW MANY?? to get any information.. HOW did they sort them..  considering if these were created by bots, there is high probability they say Much of the same  in each post.  Most humans tend NOT to repeat with others, the same WORDS in the SAME fashion..  And words and expression

Even more knowledge, but having access to UPTO, and not getting NEAR that Upto..

Dont you love tech, even after the Gov. paid the services to update the End points(cities/towns/outliers) its still not even close to done.

What i have fun with is abit of Old history and Corp intrigue..

“It is time for the Internet once again to be driven by engineers and entrepreneurs and consumers, rather than lawyers and accountants and bureaucrats,” he said, on the day he voted to repeal the Obama-era rules. “It is time for us to act to bring faster, better, and cheaper Internet access to all Americans.”

Need to test them, as a pair...On the SIM PIT..

Need to test them, as a pair...On the SIM PIT..

Really wonder about the screens..

Learning to THINK like a crook, is a wonderful thing, but can get you in abit of trouble..

Learning to THINK like a crook, is a wonderful thing, but can get you in abit of trouble..
