
Only comment...

well, lets ask, is smoking SUGAR water a good thing.. Its not, cause the sugar cools inside your body...then what can it do??

problem is history..

1. its battery powered.. If it fails? you need the key.

1. its battery powered.. If it fails? you need the key.

ID them as the gov. loves that, and put there names at the front of the list to be drafted..  When they graduate, send the to ????? what ever war we just created.

There used to be lots of sheep, and goats,, and deer, and Many herbivores in the areas.. What happened..wasnt a nature problem, it was people, Eating them and creating Farms.. Just release them...as many as you can/want..

What would be interesting is BASIC rules for the internet..and let it be the biggest democratic base int he world.

Thats abit of BS, as they can go, if they pay for it, themselves..  These folks must be paid a good amount...

OK...I have a job for Watson(the super computer)

The USA ships out over 60% of its crops already.. and its subsidized.. There are only a few reasons for this.. And its to make money and pay no taxes.. Or you can look up using Food as a weapon. With an understanding that There ISNT allot of arid soil on this planet.

Most states repub, tend to be farming states...for a strange reason.

The problem tends to be that all the gov see’s corps for is Money and jobs... They think that making LIFE easy, should be all there is.. but the way they are doing it, will destroy ALLOT.. Both sides see it different, but it becomes the same thing.

yes you can...as the USA ships out over 60% of our crops we can use them to create ALCOHOL fuels..  and the cars to go with them..  lots of work there..

So, you are in a tower and have access to all this radio equipment, and cant setup a way to Locate them while they are using the Drones????????????????  YOU can listen to ANY channel, you just have to restrict Broadcasting on it...  

But a service supplied Globally Isnt national..they are International...and as 90% of the corps are registered OUTSIDE this nation, they are not liable to this nation. Phillip-Morris Changed location to China JUST so they could sue Australia..  And the only way we can HELp the internet is to designate the internet an

this is just BS..  They are a corp dependent on customers...  this is like the Gov telling google to shut down access to the EU, because we say so...  YOU DONT HAVE TO...  so lets go over the Chop up every phone line and cell tower in the area..  and see what happens..  NOTHING..because we wouldnt hear from them we


I could send you a picture of my clean shaven face and you wouldnt know how Old I am... Or one with my white beard, and you would be closer..

but even at 1/3=<2.1 million Im only 1/4 off..