
there is none in corp law..

The problem here...is TIME..

Part of this..is he doesnt want to be the FIRST.. its going to be a hard battle, Unless the Judge gets smart...and tells both sides they have 1 day to STATE the problem. Why fight this in a 5 year long battle, to Prove WHO has rights..

“The California lawsuit is inextricably tied to the outcome of the D.C. case, currently being heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. If in that case, a judge finds the FCC overstepped its authority when it revoked the 2015 Open Internet Order, then California’s net neutrality law will, essentially,

ANd in the end..

Long ago, there was one based on Timber and using Mercury, causing changes in animals including a tadpole Big enough to feed a family that had 2 heads..

FDA and 2 other agencies are supposed to monitor our food supplies from Planting to harvest to your table and restaurants... But in the last 15 years its been REAL strange...

Funny..they designed them for SHORT FEET..to save money they Shorten them, which makes them abit MORE for kids..

PS...the Price of goods WONT go down either, because of automation...

So may jobs have PARTS of them automated that over 1/2 to 2/3 of That group are now oout of jobs.. Look at the RC with a flashlight and Camera running around a Swer...now you dont need to DIG UP WHOLE STREETS..jobs lost.

Longshoreman job is mostly automated with Heavy equipment now.. typist is almost automated by Computer Word transcription, Automate switching, Subsistence farm?? is only good for Special crops but even that can be MODERNIZED and loose more jobs....Keep asking..

And the top 1% has gone up by .1%....and thats a good thing??

Only if we are used as fertilizer..Keep us in Pens until Ripe, then we become the fodder for the world.

You got it..you can even automate Hotels with small machines that clean up the whole room after people leave.

but there are more corporations, and more rich to take your money.. and in the end, there are more service positions to make beds, clean floors, and wash toilets.. Look up corps like JKand R..that by up ALL the grocery stores.. then tell me there are more..

Yes they will, if there is anyone left..

You  dont make them, you make the machine that Makes them...Then you never again have to worry about them..Add the ability to self improve each generation, and NONE of us will have much to worry about.