crap crap crap...
For a service JST starting ...YEA..
SO, to save money WHY not replace the CEO and the caninat with ROBOTS
You do?? thats wonderful..Now Im not the only one..keep it up..
DITTO,...I said this long ago..
SNOW, and traction under the SNOW is pavement..
Umm, 18 wheelers and all long haul trucks are REQUIRED to carry chains..
didnt do it right..They have to be proper words, and the Whole word not just 1 part of a compound word.
Thats the funny thing..
“could significantly disrupt the balance we strike here,” the order states.”
Not really....It controls the output of power to the device, and can Shut down input power..But, it does not always work the way you think. or hope.
Fine do it..but monitoring and STOPPING CHARGING are different..
Thanks..I try real hard..
SMART comment...but stupid Logic..
I would love the Charge interface to be IN THE BATTERY..not just in phone..
You decry my statement because you, have little knowledge of Re- charging batteries.. HOW many people leave a BAttery in the Laptop, when they use it on a DESK ALL THE TIME?? its not good.