Ezekiel Coleslaw

Even more depressing, the last episode of Flight of the Conchords aired over 4 years ago.

He's a cheater and he also gave himself cancer.

Misinterpreting the "man pushing another man from behind rule" isn't all that different than "the tuck rule".

Stick this where there AintNoSunshine.

This guy and his brother are two of the biggest asshole, cry baby, douchbags to ever coach football. They literally whine about everything. God forbid one of their players gets called for a penalty, these dudes have temper tantrums like 5 year olds.

I don't really understand why people think I overreact.

Did somebody say rebranding?

The Pro Bowl has always had a lot in common with fantasy football. For instance, other than the participants, nobody cares.

To what, "Stuff only josh anime wants to read" ?

Looks like you didn't actually scroll past it though.

putting value in what you find useful (and/or worked to get) isn't bad.

Downcast, lifehacker's (and my) favorite podcast app also got a new iOS 7 update. Looks killer.


Not to be an asshole, but you mixed up which side of the convo is you and which side is John....

Isn't saying that a girl should be smart the opposite of superficial?

You don't think Aziz Ansari is a good comedian? You a Dane Cook fan or something?

You might wanna write PC in the title and description somewhere. Not all of us are part of the PC master race.

Did you really just say the Oort cloud isnt real because we haven't seen it, but the events written in the bible are real despite us not seeing it?