
I am just not understanding Nintendo's direction here.

Wow. WOW. I didn't think I was interested in this expansion. Cool concept, but eh, more grinds.

And then... this! Character models, item squish! De-convoluting stats, compiling the fun "toys"! I'm liking everything I'm hearing. This might really bring me back if I didn't have so much else to do and play. At the very

See, that's part of her personality. And I mean HER personality. It never feels like the developers put her into these spots to get a boner out of young straight men, it always feels like SHE does these things while killing heavenly and demonic beings.

Is it official that the N3DS XL does NOT have the new faceplates and that only the N3DS non-XL does? Because that will honestly effect my future purchase.

Err... I want this shit. Just not the cover wrapped around it.

This shit is definitely the last connection to soda I'll ever keep, and my god I'm not mad about it.

But dammit, Call of Duty for real? And again, at that matter. Then again, I guess CoD hadn't yet taken off when Halo 3 came out. I guess "Mtn Dew" will forever be embarrassing to buy when this comes out.

Slightly off topic, but will this game feature the option to turn Japanese voiceovers and/or text on? I really enjoy reading and listening practices after I've beaten a game. Pokemon X, for instance, is pretty intensive.

A statement from Ubi said that no female characters could have been added to Unity due to financial restraints. They then promptly ate their words and added one after fan backlash.

Very true, which is most likely due to the fact it's trying to reach a "wide audience." The updates and events, however, will apparently be pumped out quite frequently, unlike other MMOs which create end-game content and a few large patches over the course of two or more years.

It's a different beast, to be sure.

Really, I just like no-item-ing a computer in the demo (and otherwise) to practice a specific character. His or her timing, rate, smashes, tilts, hell, even what he or she simply DOES.

Most Halo fans I know of don't play MMO, and that's what Destiny is. That's why it's getting "middling" reviews is because it's an MMO at launch.

As for why people still play, don't people still play Quake, Counter Strike, and Unreal? The games that are the best stand the test of time. That's why I'm so worried about

Still bummed about non-changeable faceplates for XL. That is honestly a no go for me—my Smash Bros. XL and all the other XLs I've seen are just super cool to look at and hold. If I bought ANOTHER (New) XL, I would have rather had a faceplate-changing New XL like it's smaller kin. I mean, some of those covers knocked

Holy shit, Facebook is TOXIC. I mean, I've seen the cycle of hyped-comments-for-game/MMO-turned-shit-comments-upon-release happen for just about every video game company for the past few years, but shit, it's like Facebook is inhabited by loud-mouthed, knee-jerk people.

Oh. Wait.

... No changeable faceplates for XL? I couldn't tell if there were or not.

Don't taint Persona

It looks like it takes itself seriously in the story department

woah woah woah, is that NOT a matte texture on the front?! That's the best part!

As my friend put it, "they [Microsoft] just make bad decisions." I'm not really seeing the reason behind this purchase when one game (albeit THE BIGGEST GAME) was a smash hit.

It's a weird decision to not bring it over to the current gen. Most PC games tend to do that when they make a transition.

Alas, I can't wait to get back into the fray. When I had my PC, this was some of the best fun I've had in months!

Welp, consider me concerned.