
B-But his sword only cuts through mecha!

B-But what about that Smash Bros. 3DS? I was banking on it to come to America! If it does and it isn't this, what then for my wallet! D:

I've felt the acidity of "gamers" and "gaming culture" for years now, and it saddens me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat a part of that—if I see a gaudy game-related shirt in public, I kind of get a tick. I start judging them in my head, though I know I'm no better and probably even worse.

If you think wearing them down is the boring part, perhaps Smash Bros. is simply not for you.

Man, if only this was coming to the Vita.

That makes it a more efficient jump scare, really. It makes it seems even more unnatural, which is where most terror comes from.

This is a comp, so even THIS is not indicative of the demo, which is not indicative of the game. I had a friend play it, helped him a bit because fuck the intense ambiguity, and he NEVER encountered this jump scare, sadly.

I corrected myself in my thread, but thanks.


I thought it was just going to be a box with the PS4 colors or logo or something.

Wow, cool! After losing my PC a month before the official, non-mod release I can finally play it! Again!

I say GodDAMN.

It has stylistic creepiness akin to Guillermo del Toro, and that is SUCH a good thing I can barely contain my excitement.

Whoever jumps on this first will make a lot of money. Selling this guy alone will net quite a profit, and one I'd gladly contribute to!

Wetware... Hehehe...

While I'm not so sure it'll be any different in terms of core gameplay, I'm optimistically waiting to see how it reviews.

Across the globe, millions of blood vessels are popping from incoherent rage, discussion boards turn into warzones, and friendships turn asunder—even moreso.

That's kind of her point.

Man, all the unbelievable shit pulled me right out of the story.

These are so good it makes me angry.