
thanks again, Kotaku, for doing the Live blog. My internet took a shit and apparently so did Sony's livestream, so the liveblog was super helpful.

That was so staged it physically hurt me to watch.

I thought they were trying to deliver bank heists a la Payday, not warfar with a bank heist skin.

This still seems too "shooty shooty bang bang."

I really, really like their emphasis on how much they and we love Star Wars. The passion they'll put into it makes me incredibly excited.

i couldn't say for sure, but the original Halo:CEA just had revamped maps. They DID have MP but it was just Reach with a handful of maps.


After Halo 4's disappointing lack of that "Halo feel" during multiplayer sessions, I can't say I'm excited for this. 343 did a great job on the campaign, but the MP didn't stick with me at all. It definitely felt handed-down, and the changes are most likely going to transfer over with this iteration.

"his vision"



Off topic, but boy i hated Evangelion. The first rendition, volumes 1-13.


there's always someone in the comments section

Duly noted. If this makes its way over here in the next few months or so, I'll have to swap mine out.

Here, people don't buy it because of the "no game" mindset. Which is partially true, if one doesn't like JRPGs or "Japanese games." It's sorta like the WiiU—a lot of great games and a good price comparatively, but the mentality about it alone suffocates the sales and reluctance.

I'm not sure how I feel about the screen on the Slim (I know the difference is minimal, but still), but that sexy blue looks enticing. And that matte plastic material... It looks like smudges would be minimal, and that makes me want to swap out my current Vita for it already!

This... This is so befitting it hurts.

Rita is best

Yes, and having a blast with my friend.