Kudos to you for being so polite on the Internet when someone was, I believe, a bit rude.
Kudos to you for being so polite on the Internet when someone was, I believe, a bit rude.
I'm with Bobsplosion on this one—after my tiny 3DS became so smudged that I obsessively clean it no avail everyday, and realize that the resolution could be crisper, cleaner, and prettier, the XL is the way to go.
That matte texture, too... damn.
But I'll admit, opening my purple 3DS for the first time next to my friend…
I've never played a Dynasty Warrior game other than the original Gundam crossover, but I'm in the mood for some mindless action.
Is this upcoming 8 Xtreme Legends a rerelease, or is this the eighth one? And will it be full priced?
Literally, this is the first MOBA I am stoked for, just for the pedigree and characters alone.
That wasn't bad—especially the women and thise nondescript military men—but Levi was kinda crige worthy... It wasn't, well, BAD per sé, but It did not fit Levi's character to me.
It is my opinion that most people who comment on a forum, comment section, etc., are the more venomous of the (gaming) community. They're the more pessimistic bunch, ready to call a console/game's death before knowing much about anything other than the title.
I felt the same way. I was head-over-heels about this new one, and I rewatched the old ones to show to my girlfriend—because I thought they were so damn good—and I guess my rose-colored glasses broke somewhere along the way.
If this is a Toby McGuire impersonation, he's doing it far better than Toby McGuire.
Err... offline mode is now a thing.
Also, items aren't supposed to be truly exciting compared to legendaries. That's kind of the point.
Favorite animal, will fund.
They're doing good with their remakes, at least.
I'd rather have an HD remastered "classic" than see what they're cooking up next.
Besides KHIII and FFXV. Maybe....
The idea is unique, but alright at best in my opinion.
Now, when Arin is doing this... holy shit, it's the funniest thing I've seen in a while!
Finally, anything to get me to delete the game in my Mini.
It was such a waste of $7. The thing kept crashing so much, even after the update that allegedly fixed it for non-5 phones and devices.
I read the book, so maybe I can just give this a pass anyway.
WaniKani and Tofugu. The first is an incredible kanji program, and the latter helps with grammar and the kana.
WaniKani and the supplement Tofugu. Anything by the creator, Koichi.
An annoyance, for sure. CoD4 (as many will probably say above me) had it right, with killstreaks up to a 7-kill streak and rewarded with something powerful, yet avoidable.
Now? Now it's a pick-your-own-super-weapon fuckfest that rewards something nothing helpful to the overall outcome of the match most of the time,…
Goddamn I am excited.
I hope my computer it up to snuff.
Wow, very nice!
At least it's gaining popularity, who cares when it is.