But the problem here isn't exactly the number of games. The more the better. The real problem is that they are being treated and advertised as new games when almost all of them are relaunches of old games that weren't on Steam before. Old games stealing new games' spotlight isn't good.
I'm sorry, I kind of assumed this was a spoiler zone. ll try to edit the original comment.
There is no helping me then... lol Travoltify your name! I am NINA BORFES!
"I am betting it can travel through time. Maybe it already has."
Fun fact: the Mark Wahlberg who plays Mark Wahlberg played Mark Wahlberg in the terrible M Night movie, The Happening...
how many times are we going to see this same fucking post!? Can you just start posting new videos to one of the other 20 "Why you cant trust people in DayZ/Rust" Posts rather than creating a new one every time?
What is this being in the greys business? I have been in the Greys since I first joined Kinja, and I have no idea what that means.
Here's the answer straight from a Gawker story. Let me mention before I paste this that I use to be in the Black (Pre- Kinja) but was completely banned for using the phrase " retard" about some idiot that went and committed murder then blamed gaming. In my mind I was thinking in the term of mental retardation or…
It would kind of suck if he woke up tomorrow and had to keep dying every day
Credit card numbers are only going to be released as a stretch goal.
That's odd. I never ran into any of these bugs. Either I didn't notice them or I got really lucky.
Just found this:
Well a lot of people in the military play Call of Duty....