
KotOR2 was an unfinished, buggy mess Obsidian were forced to release early by LucasArts.

You could make rollercoasters that didn't kill people???

Hey Hey lets not forget Mr. Crabtree had a season ending injury this preseason where he ruptured his Achilles tendon (average recovery time is 9 months). It's crazy that he even played this season yet alone that madden kept him at a 90 rating. He obliviously is not the best receiver but pre-injury he's definitely top

Metal Gear Solid

How do they disable the auto-aim?

I bet some bushes would stop it...

"over her supposed portrayal in Grand Theft Auto V."

Just like in Borderlands 2 ;D

Darn straight.

"When You Go TEN Years Without A True Rainbow Six..."

I don't think this is for the Vegas crowd. This was made for the Raven Shield-and-before crowd.

Dog, report in!~ We have an enemy contingent moving in from point Alpha! We need you and your squad to intercept ASAP!

This should be a special move in Baseball videogames.

Obligatory bring back NFL 2K post.

New shake weight Wii U controller

Personally, I think microsoft had an oportunity here to separate Xbox 360 from the Xbox One and give a bigger "core focus" to the new console.

Most casual gamers don't really care that much about graphics, performance an all that. They could have used the Xbox 360 in the new few years as their more "casual" platform

I think the most intimate they got was her telling him to kill her if necessary.

I saw this game at EuroGamer last year and it was one of the games I actually remembered to go home and look up, I thought it posed some really interesting questions and ideas and the only real concern I had was the price tag. At around £20 for an alpha it seems a bit much.