
Cut off the water stolen from the north and LA and environs will wither away.

In a more enlightened era the miscreant would be sent to sea aboard a 3-masted schooner plying the trade routes until the debt was paid... in 20 years or so.

The biddies are sure clucking and squawking in both outrage and delight regarding this incident.

Yet, you replied instead of ignoring him or informing authority of the continued unwanted approaches.

In today's politically correct world full of self-loathing by the well-indoctrinated PC mob even a loaf of white bread is considered racist.

Conjecture. In the multitude of studies by many different agencies, civilian and military, it IS possible to have a nuclear war at sea using tactical nukes without any launching of nukes at the enemy's homeland.

I have remained pure for my wife... who I have yet to meet and wed so she becomes my beloved wife.

Maybe the Gay agenda has reached into every aspect of society.

If only those folks would devote their time, energy and wealth to care for the kids born to those who either do not want the kid or are unable to care for them.

Smoking will take 10 years off his 150 year life-span.


I do not play computer games yet I still consider that idiotic scum vile putrid politician to possess mental acuity around that of an amoeba.

Give the vile spawn food and clothes and a list of chores the fiends are required to do daily.

Never did care for the chap's anti-virus software but I admit my envy of his wealth since despite a life-time of performing menial jobs that only fed folks and maintained the infrastructures we all depend upon I fear my vittles source may be dumpsters behind the fast-food joints and grocery stores.

Multiple CRAY computers constantly monitor a large percentage of Web traffic.

I hope the idiot scum filth is confronted with a civil suit that takes many years to pay off.

Okay, spend billions of bucks on a train. Do not bother to consider what to do with folks after arriving at the station at their destination.

Ain't nuthin' like the show seen on Mercury.

I compared myself to Africa's pygmy Bushmen and walked away saddened and the Bushmen laughing.

After reading these comments I feel as if my life is complete and can now just eel over dead with no great loss to self or humanity.