
There is one back there that escaped his clutches.

Dipstick....nooooo they'll have a digital readout that will break at 50k miles.....and require the engine to be pulled to replace.

The BMW will break repeatedly and cost big bucks to fix. The Toyota side will be boring and made of cheap plastic. Discuss.

I gotta say "no"....OK. No.....smart people buy used cars. Smart People.

It is essentially a Shelby GT without the badges or stripes.

Her music is quite literally the stupidest f*cking Sh*t that I have ever heard.

Uh guys, JEZEBEL is two doors down....thanks.

They do last, but with carefully timed infusions of cash.

Zen and the Art of Road Rash and helmet head.

There is a ton of awesome there. A TONNE!

Who would win in a hair-off — You or the (Road House era) Late Patrick Swayze?

I wonder sometimes if it is better to own beat up junkers — just sayin.

Love it! I did some very careful mods including the change out of the hideous headlamps and the lame front bumper. I added a nice Shelby GT front bumper and some Std Ford Headlamps that are far more appealing to my aesthetic.

You Win.

It's a little "redditty" — as in 1. Appropriated, 2. Highly Contextual, 3. Yes, a great achievement. Kudos.

People treat you differently when you step out of a Turbo Porsche. The fluid delivery of power. The feeling of complete totality with the machine. Sex on wheels. How LA!

I always "want" the hot hatch until I get into one and see how small they are. Then it's off to something more comfy.

Fun trivia. The Mustang in Bullitt used a dubbed sound recording from a FORD GT of that era for the acceleration sounds in the film!

Be that as it may, BMW bet the farm on those designs and continues to mine them. I want to see some new stuff before I consider a purchase.

Is it just me or does BMW need to hire a new designer. Not trolling. But I feel they are just coasting on the Bangle designs which seem tired.