
You would think that NHL/NBC would be prepared for a huge ratings drop without Chicago in it this year but I don’t think logic matters when it comes to the combination of networks, leagues, and TV ratings.

Most of this season I’ve been rooting for the Warriors to break the wins record and win the finals just the witness that type of greatness. But I think it might be even better to see the Cavs end up winning it all in a year where LeBron has basically been in the background the whole time.

Yeah I mostly agree with you... as long as that’s what this is actually all about. If he’s really retiring (maybe because of this, maybe because of what happened last week, or anything else) and doesn’t want to fight anymore than he shouldn’t fight anymore.

Well, to be completely fair though, it’s not like Dana did that as a favor to him. Dana did it because he was a huge draw and that’s what would make Dana and the UFC the most money.

I love how obvious it is which story is Drew’s.

Pretty sure nobody expects anyone to “feel sorry for” the MLB, the game, or the teams. Sometimes people interfere, but most people don’t. When it happens, it’s dealt with. Sitting in the front row where you can reach over and touch the track is an awesome experience. I don’t think this is such a big problem that

If Dippin’ Dots are really“the ice cream of the future” I hope it happens well after I’m gone

Literally the only thing about Baltimore that’s better than Pittsburgh is its proximity to the ocean and other better cities

That play is definitely getting lost in all this. I still haven’t seen a good replay of exactly what went down on that one.


Because everything indicates that popcorn lung is caused by flavorings added to e-cigarettes, not at all from dry herb.

I read the entire Observer article in Brett Easton Ellis’ voice. It fit the tone very well.

Some of those plays don’t look that great. You think to yourself “OK, so he got an and 1 with a little guy hanging on him, so what?”. Then you realize that “little guy” is Ben Wallace.

Ha, sounds like you and I had the exact same middle school experience. Good times.

Good luck Greg, not that you need it. You'll be missed around here but I'm definitely looking forward to reading you in print.

No way, Ben Simmons is going to be the #1 pick. Even if the Warriors somehow don’t win it all there’s no way he’s getting to play on that team.

Oh I 100% agree with you. There are huge problems with rotten tomatoes. The biggest of which is the binary like it or don’t format (so a movie that everyone thought was pretty good often scores higher than a movie most people absolutely love but a few people hate). But right now it’s probably the best day of release

I’m not sure which freestyle Rob is referring to. If he’s referring to “I Love Kanye” then I agree with you. It’s funny and light and a nice interlude. If he’s referring to “Freestyle 4" I agree with Rob. That is easily Kanye’s worst song ever for me and the only one on this record I skip. Maybe it will eventually

It’s at an impressive 87% on Rotten Tomatoes so it could be that this movie is really that worth talking about. I’m definitely intrigued.

I think some people blame him in a lot of ways for the death of Christopher Wallace. At the very least they hate him for exploiting and cheapening Biggie’s music since he passed. It’s understandable in a lot of ways.