Ya. Hi.

can we please end bracket thoughts and actions please. its so fucking annoying.

Perhaps he is just trying to get both sides, regardless as to whether Sandusky deserves it. If Deadspin published both sides of the Manti Teo story, there wouldnt have been one.

is it normal for all adults to have some degree of scoliosis?

also... grape seed oil might have the highest smoking point of useable oils. neutral flavor as well.

high quality lard is healthier than butter. if youre going to use lard, spend the money. And if its premium lard, it even has those rare but heart healthy natural trans fats. The trans fats that occur naturally in premium beef.

who makes phone calls?

would be great if my brain wasnt on vacation yesterday and didnt upgrade to 6.0.3 and lose my jailbreak.

Or you can do what I do. I ripped a 2 hour long audio of a coffee shop that someone put on youtube, used vidtomp3 to grab the audio. I stuff it in my dropbox and whenever I want it, i just hit play. Easy.

not that bad actually. get rid of the lock, add your own background, and if you leave the lockscreen on the weather slide, it will stay on that setting.

and wouldnt this add yet another startup item....

they have nothing on me.

whats facebook?

+ a million. youre better at life than me....

your body only digests about half the calories from nuts... pistachios, almonds, peanuts, et al.

what if there were conclave hookers like there are super bowl and world cup hookers... how would this change the selection of a new pope?

i actually agree. it might be easier to just open a tab. but you can play multiple songs simultaneously with itunes and maybe vlc, or like i said, drop it in dropbox or the cloud, and put it on your phone for whatever use.

very true. I have a 3 pound bag of pippali that i bought in '93 for $4.00. Go me.

it's also amazing, tastes nutty, lasts 100 years in the fridge, higher smoking point, et al, and etc.

Now playing

2 hours long. if you want to have this as an mp3, just use