
This is a real cat, the breed is Scottish Fold. He's doing real cat things that most cat owners have seen before.

No, I just think you don't understand sarcasm, or love the brand so much that you're willing to defend it without thinking about what was said.

Yeah, as an anti-glare protector, it works pretty well, and as a privacy film its excellent. The only issue I have is that you really need to be finicky with the brightness, as the darkness of the protector will force you to turn up the screen in certain circumstances. I'd get one again.

Me too, I bought a 3M privacy guard for $20 on Amazon and haven't looked back.

Its only a $50 upgrade on the 15".

How is shit like this even legal? Free speech, blah, blah; but what if something happens to these folks? Hell, what if something happens to the real Zimmerman? That's still not okay. This whole thing is begining to get way out of control.

At this point, this is nothing more than a novelty. A baby Glock or Ruger LCP would be much better for CCW.

Outside of the obvious troll, I'm not sure how I feel about this gun. It seems nice, but I'd like to see it on the range. I would never buy it. I can double tap my Glock 23 or 19 in mere miliseconds, so I'm not sure why this seems like a could idea. I'm all for innovation, but with firearms, stick with what works.

Yeah, as a responsible gun owner, I'm offended by your comment. Guns don't take lives, people do, but a gun is a tool that, when used in a responsible manner, can also save many honest lives; I know this for a fact. So before you go spouting off more rhetoric, just remember that when your in danger, someone with a gun

That depends on which type of intelligence we're speaking about.

I used to love them, but after the last bag I purchased, I felt really disenfranchised. I'm not sure if they changed them at all, or even if I perceived a difference that wasn't truly there, but I just couldn't eat more than four. That being said, I still love their insanely delicious and cheap chocolate bars.

Really? Failure in Chief? I mean really? Was he worse than Bush? Worse than Carter? Reagan? Look, I'm not all hopeful about Obama either; hell, I think they're all fucking crooked, but I'm not sure we give the guy enough credit. When he became President, this country was falling apart, and guess what? It's still

Where can I pick up one of those ocean-liners? That is now a must-have.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Generally, jewelry floaters are done at replacement cost value (RCV), this is especially true when writing a commercial store as such. I used to work in the commercial lines department at my family agency. So, it really would all depend on the valuation of the property in question.

I'm still here, I think.

crap, I hope I don't get banned for this nomination. I didn't know! I honestly didn't know!!!! Please Matt, spare me. Mea culpa!! Mea maxima culpa.

Well what ever happened to OMG!Ponies? He hasn't been here in ages. Did he get the hammer? I nominate him because he left us without saying goodbye.

These are the glasses that I got rid of to get these other ones. I liked them, but they were bulky and tended to clash when I wore darker colors.