
Many people in the comments seem to have the opinion that it's okay to use as much water as we want as long as we find alternative ways to heat it, or just that we can use as much water as we please. I hope that some day it gets realized that water is a precious resource and comes at a price to every human. The World

So we should continue to use as much of the planet as we want to because that's our right, right? I mean it just seems counterintuitive to me to say let's create cleaner sources of energy without practicing conservancy. If we want to continue to trash the planet then we will do so, but if we want to save the planet,

hahaha excellent! "512MB of Compact Flash - Just $149.99

I always concluded that audio on CDs was already off to a bad start due to the digitalization. Call me old, but when I want to listen to uncompressed music, I pull out Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" on vinyl and sit back. Sometimes I still pop in a tape...I blame my ears.

More importantly, why wouldn't have Redmond filed patents for the Kinect process and sensor far before they even took it to market? I could be wrong here but I thought Giz actually showed us some Kinect patents from back when it was called...Natal. One would assume that Redmond has already taken care of this. That

Please tell me that MSFT actually patented Kinect?

Well if the servers run Windows Server, then Microsoft has a lot to do with it. I don't see Cupertino paying out the ass for seats, so I would bet its some sort of partnership. It could be OSX serv running on Windows machines, since Apple axed the XServe a while back. Ineresting rumors, but the fact of the matter is

if only I could star you, bro. Haha seeing you post this just made my day.

No, they just give them to employees who leave them in bars.

You, sir, get a heart!

Less competition is never a good deal for consumers.

Honestly, Dyson is a pretty good vaccum; it comes with quite a bit of accessories and its very powerful, but I can't ever justify the price. In tests, my vaccum, the LG Kompressor does just as well and sometimes better. When I first got the Kompressor, I tested it against my Dyson and the Kompressor sucked up dirt

...I'll answer this question but don't blast me for my answer, I've limited time and this surely won't be as thought out as it needs to be, for that, I appologize in advance. I support pricing restrictions on nearly anything. I'm not against anyone making a living, from the lineman working on AT&T's towers, to the CSR

Didn't Blackberry already try to do this?

Just because a company is responsible to shareholders doesn't make it right and certainly, under the Socratic definition of justice, it doesn't make it just either.

Now, I can respect this. I can also respect your attitude towards my smoke, however; I personally make every conceivable effort to keep my smoke away from the younglings. Mistakes happen, and I feel bad. That being said. Smoke contains things we don't wish to breath in, but I question...what doesn't contain bad things

Well, do you own a car? Because your car exhaust is forced upon me unrequittedly. I don't like it. Stop driving, you're giving me cancer. Do you own a home sir? An apartment perhaps? Well the coal they burn to give you electricity is killing me...and my planet. Stop it. I don't like it. It all boils down to personal

Well, I can get cancer just from being outside. Car exhaust causes do a variety of household cleaners. Cancer is unavoidable. I could never smoke and still get it.

On, the other hand, I found this article to be quite amusing and comical. Granted, I'm a smoker. I laugh at all the Giz commenters saying how terrible smoking is. I agree that smoke kills, that smoke smells and that it's slightly disgusting, however...fuck off. I mean that. If I want to smoke, I want to smoke. Why do

Your insurance has a clause for Riot or Civil commotion. If you have business insurance, or homeowners, this should be covered from loss of expense. I did insurance work in Ohio, not in your state, but ISO property forms are generally the same. Usually these endorsements have a 24 hour waiting period, but after that,