
@lazaruspryor: I'm not sure about this, do you have the case law? I've never heard of such a case. Which constitution are you referring to? If it's ours, I'm not sure how a ruling by an Australian court would affect US law.

Come on people, I keep seeing the first Amendment brought up in these comments...seriously? Lets work through this together. The Constitution applies to who? American citizens at home and abroad, green card and visa holders while staying in the US and? No one else. Assange is not an American citizen...he is not

@orthorim: I'll assume you meant the first amendment? Either way, you answered your own riddle, Assange is not an American citizen, the constitution does not apply to him. He could very well face charges of espionage, that is not a crime reserved just for Americans.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Another Cincinnati person! I'm not alone! CinBell won't be done with fiber for like ten years but I hate TWC so much that I still use that sad?

@Lacara: Haha, Cincinnati! Yeah! We really do suck when it comes to internet, but tell me, where do I acquire this FIOS? I live in Milford.

@jporter313: I still think it floats the domestic terrorism bill.

@Les Mikesell: But this has nothing to do with free speech. First and foremost, Mr. Assange not residing in or being a citizen of our nation can make no constitutional claim to freedom of speech. Secondly, if the prior were untrue, exposing secret government documents regardless of what may or may not be in them is

Does anyone have any idea where Assange even got these cables? We should be going after that guy as well.

@Brian Jagielski: Yes, contrary to popular belief freedom of speech has limitations. Even journalists sometimes forget that.

I really want to buy one of these.

@waclark57: "The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as a destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep is a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed on upon a definition of the word

@ITCC: This dude, Abe Lincoln, smart guy. Seriously.

@waclark57: I really was worried that I was the only one who thought this way! Now if only, I could get a heart, or maybe a star, my opinion could be further disseminated.

@Thomas_IL_: I have to agree with you and I'm on the left. American's hate America yet 99% have not lived elsewhere. Regardless of what people think, we have certain rights we take for granted where in other countries people are still fighting for those same rights. In America you have this group of people screaming

"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as a destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep is a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed on upon a definition of the word liberty; and the

@nova3930: It will come. I bet in the next month we'll hear about his disappearance and soon, even that will fade away. No one will ask questions because there are no questions to ask.

@gmuslera: America has long been categorized as a Democratic Republic.