
@Yeah!: and, it'll be 19.99 a can, but don't worry, your feline friend will be a stylish hipster just like you.

@cc: Yes. You are not alone.

@ursa: What this means is that you have to get the SysAdmin in your pocket.

@acidrain69: I'm not so sure you should discount what he says. I mean, are you disagreeing because he's the Pope or are you disagreeing because you really think he's wrong. If its the first than, well thats just wrong and if its the second, I think we should at least consider what he has to say.

@acidrain69: Taking that a: video games are a virtual reality and b: our reason for confusing the two would be due to our habitual playing of them, its easy to assume that this equals: our reason(s) for confusing virtual reality with real life would be the fact that we are spending so much time playing them. How does

@Ulmaxes: I'd tend to agree. With the popularity of video games these days (and since they began) maybe we aren't always being as responsible with them as we should. I mean, who hasn't gone on a Gears of War bender? I think the idea is the same old cliche, moderation.

@cc: you, sir, beat me to this. Touche.

@Edix: Thou shalt post all Ping updates from a Macbook Pro

@John Eusebio: When don't they go uber-control freak?

@Dinosaur!: Isn't he also still trapped in the closet with Tom Cruise?

@MortimerFathoms: How many people do you think were too stoned to actually turn that key?

I just want to throw this out there since I didn't see it mentioned. Alan Turing, arguably one of the founding fathers of modern computing died shortly before his 42nd birthday. Now, I'm sure this is just coincidence but, just saying.

@siwex80: Its also possible that you are both correct.

@bitchincamaro: Had you not had a star prior to this comment, I hope you would've gotten one afterward.

@Jesse Scroggins: "All this internet is bullshit, if I wanted to surf the web I would've stuck my dick in a spider" -pre-internet Tarantino.

@Tommy Five: No, I can certainly appreciate another commentary on the subject and it happens to be one that makes logical sense. I hate to use the word "opinion" but it seems that art may be more closely tied to an opinionated observation than a logical one.

Art has always been one of those subjects I've never had the balls to argue, but I want to ask the all of you a question, and its kind of serious. How does one define what is and what is not art? We can all agree that Van Gogh or Rembrandt pieces are art but what if I spit on a piece of paper and hung it up in a

@OMFG! PierceTheVin: I was under the impression that they would be completely revamping the photo management system and the quality of photos so that it would be more like an integrated Flickr. As for the iPhone app, to each his own I guess.