Voltron Force

Ay North Bay on the way.

People are quite pleasantly, and informative in explaining why this article has legitimate foothold, and you’re doing everything possible to prove otherwise. When you try and devalue factual input to uphold the ideals you have, it doesn’t make you look good.

Simply put.
There is a problem with sexist & racist assholes

Well, Ninja... it’s a wrap nigga. Ya done.

I’m black, like OG black and the way I see it is you need to stop invalidating history just because you refuse to understand what world your ancestors and your offspring had & will have to live in, regardless of how much it’s not a big deal to you.

Aubrey is now all seeing.

lol. God Bless you.

Why the hell would The Doctor be in a Ferrari and not the TARDIS? Must be a good reason.

Good thing Killmonger won’t stay dead.

$60 in quarters. Laundry day is special.

That looks more like a stylized Decepticon symbol.

Great article. I eagerly await the day when a GTA game is released with Midnight Club car sensibilities built into the game engine.

“Did you know Falcon is Black Panther’s twin brother?” is the shibboleth to identify the infidels.

It’s both.

Everytime I see MAGA, I pronounce it MAWGA. You know, like the patois term for SKINNY AND SICKLY.

“, and my favorite flavor is mayonnaise,”

E-sports will get clout once the average Joe realizes how much money is really being made/invested in the activity.

People have the innate desire to knock shit they don’t personally vibe with, which is cool, but stop hugging your nuts and trying to downplay what someone else enjoys.

Unless, or maybe, as Senior Editor Stephen Crockett pointed out, “I was high on psych meds” is the new “I was hacked.”

It’s the new “I was suffering from dehydration/exhaustion.”

This did not disappoint.

Oh. My. Goodness.
Absolutely beautiful.