Voltron Force

You ain’t lying. I made the “mistake” of bringing it to work and making a few cups for peers to show off the new toy. I planned on pressing 4 cups. Ended up doing about 35.
It was the Secret Santa gift everyone gave that year.

You ain’t lying. I made the “mistake” of bringing it to work and making a few cups for peers to show off the new

Samson’s Locks

Sounds like Folsom

And this, right here, is why Luke gets a hood pass.

Now playing

“I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I’d rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS NOOT NOOT COUCH!”

This. This is the best answer.

Mayo. Always default to mayo.

Apparently, the border agents knew that he was carrying something dangerous, but they made him drink it anyway. Two hours later, he was dead.

I left the Bronx because of 3 things.
1. Roaches

Damn, that sucks. I urge ever parent who is an avid gamer, invest in shelving. Ikea shelving houses all my wireless controllers. I also keep the consoles themselves out of reach of baby hands.
Children are curious and love tactile input. ANYTHING that can be manipulated by hand will indeed be used by your children. If

Vagrant Story please.

LMAO! Best reply.

Video Game Manuals: The best pre-game poop reading material created.

In a Milestone Comics alternate universe:
Rawkus absorbed Nervous, Duck Down, and Ruffhouse. Bought Columbia Records and was the main driving force behind fostering hip-hop artists from 1998 onwards.

The Lyricist Lounge would run for 13 seasons and be shown after Chappelle Show.

Spy stuff, DUH!

How do we suggest a pair? I’ve had a pair of V-MODA Crossfades for around 5-6 years now. I still buy headphones to see if they can compete. Nothing comes close not even Audio Technica’s ATHA500X.

How do we suggest a pair? I’ve had a pair of V-MODA Crossfades for around 5-6 years now. I still buy headphones to

Thank you, Doctor Tracksuit.

I miss HMV...

Hey CRYTEK twunts! Why don’t you make a fucking game. You know something that will sell fucking boatloads of copies like a FUCKING PROPER TIMESPLITTERS GAME. How about that?

Seeing this makes me wonder: