Voltron Force

Rassclaat! Is that a spider slayer?

Sorry, but no. Flying cars were outlawed in the great Cogswell purge of 2357. All our cars are now shaped like eggs for maximum aerodynamic design on the superways.

Yes. Painful when you get them installed. They run on methane. Keep beans and bell peppers handy.

Dames and Sirs! I come to you from the future. You have it good. My Xbox Sigma will not allow me to play anything but demos of games I already own! I bought the console used from GameSquare.

Exactly! Search for a deal and you'll actually earn the discounted price. Plus, with sites such as CAG, half of the work is damn-near done for you.

Ask EA

Speak with your money folks. This shit is supposed to be entertainment. Not chronic, "you -asked-for-it-bitch", butt rape.

One of the first games I bought along with my Saturn. Loved this game leagues more than Tomb Raider, Fighters Megamix, Fighting Vipers and Virtua On.

He married Badu? She gonna put him out to pasture next.

It looks like they've borrowed some of the rendering techniques of Borderlands, toned it down a bit and applied it to this game. Looks pretty good in my opinion.

Get it. NBA Street 2 is so god damned awesome.

Pretty Toney is pretty solid.

Heist (PS3 blu-ray is fried, so it's download titles only til I can get it fixed)

Vagrant Story

You should have had Psychonauts eons ago! Also, put Ghost Pepper sauce on your wallet. Steam will stop eating it after the the 1st bite.

Jim Lee's Wildstorm brand was somehow absorbed into DC.

This dude is awesome.

It's when Dom dies in a selfless act of comradeship, Marcus absorbs his chi and goes into Dom(INATOR) Fenix mode. It's akin to that Dragonball shit.

The races will take place on orbital space stations built only for RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDG... RAAAAAAAAAAAACING!

The figures! Good lord that Amazing Spidey Fox is sick.