and then I heard BOOM! from the amplifier.
and then I heard BOOM! from the amplifier.
I'd like to know the same thing!
Why would you want people to experience the smell of hot dogs and steamed piss?
That chap was not cosplaying as Duke Nukem. That's Duke's lesser publicized half brother, Largo McThickchin.
lol. Madagascar will never fail to amuse.
Ok, here we go. Vacuum w/ mid to high tier rated HEPA filter is the biggest help, and make sure to clean the container AS FAR AWAY FROM YOUR DWELLING as possible.
Do you have pets? Smoke? Live near an open field and keep a nearby window open? Are you opposed to having people take off their shoes before walking through your dwelling?
He's sippin on some sizzurp.
Penthouse suite, I'll consider.
@peristalsis: you trippin. She suffers from noassatall.
@meerkat23: You May be Suffering From WASD Syndrome. Or Xbox Hypertrophy!
@Aikage The Skilled Furby: Whats wrong with threesomes?
@gigawings: A Zatoichi game would be crazy! YOU SPEAK CRAZY! Dope, but CRAZY.
@S h a z b o t: Understood. My gamertag is Argyle snake. Add me and I'm sure my girl and I will play with you one night.
@S h a z b o t: Why not?
@casmith07: TRUTH!
I loved you too. AND ALL MY FANS!
Cars and spaceships = REAL SHIT
Of course i'm old. I'm the friggin defender of the universe!
I will choke you till you shit from your eyeballs if you speak that blasphemous tripe again!