"Fuckin' beautiful."

If the army woman didn't have PTSD before, it sure looks like she does now.

The real question is to why figure skating is even an Olympic sport.

If you could hit any former teammate in the face with a baseball bat, would you warn Mark Sanchez it was coming, or would you surprise him?

This isn't all about you, Kerry Rhodes. Sheesh.

Have you ever tried the "Darren Sharper Method" to get laid?

What's it like identifying yourself as a man, who also happened to be a Cardinal?

December 31, 2012, Philadelphia

Dude's finished whether he knows it or not. You can't have your coach and eat him too.

"Yevgev! You! Hire Cossacks to prevent the playing of loud, disruptive music!"

Of all the things the south could be proud of, why pick a symbol of oppression and slavery?

How about an image of a southern plantation owner whipping his slaves? Or perhaps a nice image of a lynching? Or maybe, a picture of Robert E. Lee surrendering, like the gutless coward he was.

Someone can be proud of heritage and I don't think it means you're racist, but when heritage costs over 600,000 lives I am not sure anyone should be proud of that.

Germans can have national pride too but that doesn't mean they should start putting swastika stickers on their cars. That flag, whether you like it or not, is a symbol of a horrific past for a large chunk of our population.

I feel terrible for the guy. With such a close-knit, upstanding locker room, there's no way the Ravens will take a chance on a questionable deviant like Michael Sam.

However, the video that's being posted by TMZ Sports is not the complete event, but is merely the end result of what transpired.

But, hey, at least it's a woman so it's not a "distraction".

Fast-forward to a year from now. Drake is slated for the cover of Rolling Stone, but Clint Eastwood dies that week. Drake is bumped for a picture of 2 empty chairs.