
I love this post so much. Really, nothing else to say, just bravo.

Oh my gosh, mine too! Except it's become a Sunday shopping ritual to put them in a pile for him to play with. He waits expectantly for the bags with holes in them to hit the kitchen floor. Fun for days!

I know I'm not the one who got my husband to watch grudgingly at first after I'd read the first four installments of ASOIAF. No, that must have been his other wife or some dudebro.

He's book smart and that's a rare commodity on the Wall. And he will be called upon to do braver and braver things, and despite his resistance, he muddles through a lot.

Oh my gosh, I've been under the thumb of a Machiavellian for the past six years, who I swear has been on an endless campaign to ruin my sanity. Trouble is, he's the one that had the most sway in my initial hire, so I can't for the life of me understand how I got the job in the first place. I'm up for tenure now, so

Yes, from when he was in Freaks and Geeks.

Hear, hear, Lauren. That "fucking rules" comment completely squicked me out.

Thank you for the link, I love it!

Yes! While she's not my favorite female character, gosh there are so many it's hard to pick one, watching her tremendous growth last season and witnessing her grace under extreme duress was fascinating, and I think empowering. I believe, knowing her story arc, we will see this trend continue this season.

Of course I can't speak for Tracie, but I took it to mean that someone who is likely to put that sentiment in those particular words probably leans toward gender essentialism, at least somewhat.

Are you fucking serious with this shit, really? GTFO.

He is the very definition of overrated to me- his music is boring and uninspired. Opinions- everybody has one.

Please explain how she is racist.

Well, at least in my case, I have been coerced into participation by wheedling, pushy relatives most of my adult life who will ceaselessly hold it over my head if I don't show, even if I have a legitimate excuse. Thankfully I now live over 700 miles away and, oops, there are just too many miles between us to justify

Quit trolling. You've posted that twice so far as I've read and it was discussed at length yesterday- it was dig at Tosh- Louis C.K. has made previous statements that he never watches Tosh's show and thinks it sucks.

Yes, me too- Clearly Jezzie's writers are a generally savvy and intelligent bunch, but if they are going to report on research, they really need to get someone on board who is an experienced consumer of academic studies (and maybe has even carried out some original research herself) to interpret and report the

Talking about sample size is not appropriate for the type of study they did. I just looked it up- it was a qualitative study which used focus groups. They were not attempting to generalize their findings. They did no statistical testing. They were on the theory-building side of research, not the theory-testing side.