
even after i get rid of my old systems i always keep the final fantasy games. I have carts and CDs that have no console to play them on just because i loved them so much. All 'cept XIII. I gave that to my brother-in-law who moved to Cali (i live in Canada) and I don't care if he ever brings it back >.<

its true... in "real life"penguin would have gotten really sore and tired after like 3 or 4 punches, then maybe went for a few kicks to the ribs, then maybe a few umbrella whacks to the head, then maybe a "why wont you just go down, rich boy?!" type comment, then bullet, and if you STILL didn't press-the-button, he

Ok so he just assumed i had some form of ADD for most of it, then complimented me for watching, told me to pat myself on the back and told me to make good decisions with my life.

gabe newell is prof oak?

"We're hitting the bad guys in their base. Here's the BFG, go kill everything with ease. Peace."

then add the entire Marvel vs Capcom roster plus yu gi oh cards and samurai pizza cats

DH is the only class i havn't even bothered to make yet. the ranger classes never appeal to me but i did really enjoy the wiz because it's less of a click-fest too.. so i'll give it a shot next time i fire up D3. Thanks :D


as with any other single player game :)
this game does look really cool though

"Luigi not afraid."

that Tifo cosplay was dope fo sho!


droopy goofy

well i know you will have fun with it, but let's never forget why we always seem to swear off MMO's ;)

Good has revealed that critter crunch was dev'd by "capy". so just a lil mix up i'm sure

every time i see one of these i start to re-think my "i will never play another MMO" mantra. ... i will never play another mmo! but if i did, this would probably be it :P

only on xb1... :(

Primal Carnage anyone?

looks pretty nice, but i doubt it will replace the original for me. yeah i'm one of THOSE guys. still reppin' OG Pikachu and Luigi! (hoo!-hoo!)

bob barker boss fight. i wish this was real