
you, sir, are a genius

i would leave the milk in the cookie cup til the inside is all mushy and soft, then pop the whole thing and eat and drink at the same time... and if the outside stays crisp that would be an amazing bonus +100000 texture points.

oh. my. god. that is the best thing i've seen in a long time

Do you think they set this up to be serious? I can imagine them pretending to be serious and laughing about it later at the bar

I have also not been this excited since Aliens: Colonial Marines!

if i could give you 3 stars i would

haha oh man i remember the corrupted blood thing. first game i ever played to have an actual epidemic.

This is what happens when games try to break past the "you can never strip down past your undies" rule on a mass scale.

I only really have two problems with this: ROID KNUCKLES AND DUBSTEP

i really think this style lacks charm. sprites look like something that would be free on facebook imo

different kind of excitement in this version of Excite Bike

come on.. you dont think an original movie would be cool to watch instead of another super hero reboot or shitty sequel to a decent movie or a romantic comedy starring tom hanks and meg ryan?

i want to see Square return to a new age of awesomeness ... and maybe another original FF movie!... but just put that one right on blu-ray/digital. i think cinema release would be a waste of time for a new FF movie

strip club trucks .. ftw?

this picture is... simply amazing

I can't imagine too many north american gamers playing this one on the bus.

Nobody says that phrase like Ice Cube though

that was pretty good :]

far out man!

it does look cool. And you play a frenchman! how often does THAT happen?