oh baby.. yeah... oh yeah dip it in the hot sauce. omg. i effin love food
oh baby.. yeah... oh yeah dip it in the hot sauce. omg. i effin love food
they will surely have a reference to that episode in the Stick of Truth game. I'm so excited for that game lol
this was the best episode in a long time
yeahhh! i had one of those too! most of the time i would end up just taking the cover off the top and scooping the lego inside because the front part would often shoot the pieces around when they got wedged lol
I am running it on a fairly decent asus laptop with Windows 7, but it's not new or bleeding edge and it crashes just less than once an hour and 96% of the time it's between games. Once in a while it's JUST after the game ends and the game is tallying your score and showing you the ribbons and unlocks you earned. So it…
a lot of people are asking "what's to stop someone from shooting down the drones?". I'm sure nobody would be dumb enough, and maybe they will limit the value of the boxed item to a certain dollar amount for drone deliveries?
I can hear him and Mr. Potato Head being all condescending
if you are talking about one life per round that's cool. I used to play the shit out of Rainbow Six and SWAT games. Those slow-paced tactical shooters will always have a place in my heart.
People need to learn what racism is. A performer wearing clothes is not racism. If Katy Perry went up on stage wearing that and performed a song called "I dip sushi in sweet and sour sauce because that's what all Asian people do".. THAT would be racism.
i love the "logitech" one. obviously the person just uses the brands of his/her peripherals as passwords. I wonder if anyone has ever made their password "genericDELLopticalmouse"
that would suck balls lol! closest i can think of is strategy type games like XCOM where soldiers die or get wounded and taken out of commission for a while.
i havn't played ARMA but i hear people say that CoD is all arcade style, BF is a mix of arcade and realism and ARMA is the realism shooter. check it out maybe? i think the 3rd one just came out on steam
i find these entertaining enough but i always feel like he's being way too much of an ass
Fake nails or no, guys like him scare the crap outta me. i've seen enough movies to know that you NEVER play the badass card against a guy who takes selfies with AKs and packs bales of drugs into SUVs. The guy could be wearing a marilyn monroe wig and red lipstick and i would still take him very seriously in person x)
ROFL tru dat. other than shit talkers on the internet.
Yeah totally. I've seen dudes grow out just the pinky to use as a"coke nail", but this guy has TWO of them and i'm pretty sure they are acrylic x)
i would only really be interested in a KZ game for the online. KZ3 was pretty damn fun online - and this is coming from a PC FPSer that hates console FPS controls lol
First thing i noticed were his hands ... are those fake nails?? Wow what a macho dude lol
looks like something out of Killzone, metro, fallout... looks awesome