
The one advantage most people aren't thinking about here is the difference in the playerbase. I think sub mmos have better communities. Not saying every single person you meet in the sub mmo will be an angel or a joy to deal with but i have noticed that you meet a lot more friendly/helpful people in a game where you

I've only ever used Logitech for my gaming PCs. To me they feel good, look good, last a long time, perform well, and have never let me down. For these reasons i've never felt a need to buy a flashier or more popular mouse.

havn't owned a nintendo system since gameboy pocket. no wonder i missed this. thanks :)

I've always loved the idea of a game in which you have a fighting robot that you can use to fight other robots for their parts and money to buy more parts. Customizing all your bot's peices to a meaningful and useful end (ie not just cosmetic) and having it be more powerful and more fun to use! Closest ive played so

other than Poke-Awesome this is the best

havnt watched this vid yet but Wolverine could beat the shit out of pretty much anything other than crazy super mutants that get the drop on him

i agree. i didn't mind buying my ps3 at launch though because i was able to play ps2 and ps1 games on it and still do!

plus i had to stop and look at that boomerang girl every time i went to town

it was good.. but not 50 bucks good. i paid that 50 goddamn bucks lol. Fun game but the last level is pretty lamesauce and online is kinda fun but gets old pretty quick

Huge boobies are awesome but you gotta admit that she looks a little silly. I think they went just a bit too far for my taste, but my taste has nothing to do with what's acceptable in art and expression so screw it!


More notes about her boobs

Wayne Brady needs to be a hard-ass ganster in a movie.. or at least a TV show. I think he could pull off being mean but then laying on that white-man charm when it's time to talk to the police. Kinda like he did in Chappelle :D

you say that now.. just wait! I haven't been back in years but when the weather gets like this i get very curious about what's going down in the world.... of warcraft.

back in my day i had every button and their shift+ counterpart as an ability, plus an 8 button mouse. also.. GET IMBA lol

I like to visit Gametrailers for reviews and some of their original stuff but i find Annoyed Gamer boring, annoying, and pompous. He can suck my balls and the balls of the internet. The only reason i watched even the one video of his is that i thought they hired a new, fat brokeass to try and replace the AVGN (because

by the time i finish playing all the games i have yet to finish/start, i will probably see the price of the games im thinking of drop CONSIDERABLY. you just gotta play what you got and wait.

i like the way this was presented. and this game looks so cool!

i tried a rouge and was VERY impressed by the fact that you could use a 2 handed samurai style sword. i always wanted to do that. usually the "rogue" characters are stuck with one handed stuff.

this is a pretty fun game for gamers that like to explore around and find loot. i'm more than glad to give a few of my bucks

I definitely have multiple play-throughs of CT under my belt but no Shin Megami! Thanks :)