
I do have a few of these on my list already but some I do not! thanks for taking the time to give me suggestions :)

i know what the answer is going to be but I will ask you guys anyway.
I have a (pretty long) list of old JRPGs i want to play/replay. Should i put Earthbound on there? I have never owned a nintendo console...other than original Game Boy... and never been a nintendo guy so this one passed me by without me noticing it.

omg someone needs to call them say that they are black and hate themsevles for it and ask for advice on how to be less black and ask to join the organization hahaha ><

not sure if you are trying to be ironic. i like it either way.

yes! i was thinking Bioware to make it Knights of the Old Republic style RPG. that would be so awesome :)

you are right. but i was actually thinking of a legit, licensed game from a known publisher with crowdsourced funding! It seems to me like Fox is not really willing to put ANY money into a Firefly game. The whole "social online rpg" tagline stinks of a huge moneygrab project like something Zynga would make. Low

they could crowdsource a wicked single player firefly rpg

i always go bulba. i like that he pwns brock and misty lol

i thought so cuz i haven't played any portable versions and i don't remember a few of those scenes. maybe i will pick this up after all for nostalgia and not having to bother with the porta-versions lol

I was forced to use it when i played BF3 and again when i tried SWTOR. Any time i had to do anything with origin i had problems and more problems. I've used steam for a very long time and i had only one issue where i received a gift game from a friend and wasn't able to install it until the following day. after i got

this, i did not know. i guess the flood of hype hid that EA logo well. only xbox and origin. 2 things i won't have in my house lol. oh well!

that's good. I hope the kid gets out and learns his lesson.. but I'm curious about how many signatures, if any, there would be on a "lock him up!" petition.


pre-order titanfall on .. origin...? uh oh. i just got a lot less excited for that game

if you can run over an old lady and finish her off with a baseball bat, then why not have some pot smoking? it would be especially interesting if there was a hunger meter that made it so you had to stop and eat between car chases and shoot outs lol

they're called "posers" and you are right about them being everywhere. i don't see anything wrong with knocking a poser down a peg or giving them a reality check.. but at the end of the day those people are not effecting you in any way

umm this game is the same shit as bejewelled if i am not mistaken. i guess people like candy better than jewels

oh snap i havn't played this in years! first game i played that had the "accuracy decreases when you move" mechanic

learned something today. cool idea :)

thats exciting! i also saw this coming.. just with how many times you see "WHEN IS THIS COMING OUT OMG!". I know this game will be successful :) yay Cube World!