
sorry but i can't see anyone buying this. go ahead and give me examples to enlighten me, commenters!

i played this for a while when it first came out and daaammmn has it changed! haha good for them

just in looks i mean. back then if it looked like something i might not like, i wouldn't have picked it up lol

fallout games sort of passed me by until 3. and being more of an FPS fan than a Diablo-style RPG fan, i probably wouldn't have been interested in fallout 1 and 2 before i played 3

another good question: how many times have i purchased a game blind (based only on reviews and recommendations) and totally hated it and said to myself "damn i wish it had a demo or SOMETHING". Sometimes the gameplay looks good, the trailers look good, the reviews are good (mostly) and buddies say it's good. Then you

they are both going to run CoD Shazam Future Warrior 2018 so who cares

I totally agree with you, but with all the news stories about people getting busted or losing their jobs because of dumb facebook shenanigans, you would think people would just be more careful. the world is full of pussies and whistle blowers and pretty much all of them are on facebook

Joking around with buddies is one thing but when will these dumbasses learn that shit you say on facebook could cost you your job or your freedom. Saying stuff ingame and getting banned is one thing because other gamers will just think you are an ass but facebook people are different

best e3 coverage ever?

i have only a vague idea about whats going on in that ad but i wish we had ads like that here

dont fuckin kid yourself. guys (yes even guys who aren't "womanising pigs") check girls out. at e3, on the bus, from moving cars, at school, at work, at the grocery store. turns out guys like looking at girls. !!!NEWS FLASH!!!!!

porn games only work with one-handed control schemes :P

yeah they were a cool system. it was kinda like bein in an MMO and forcing your party to play how YOU want them to play :)

i did enjoy XII more than any other after IX, but i played it right after i quit WoW and the MMO style combat really bummed me out lol.

took them long enough.. i feel like i've outgrown this franchise tho. i was pretty excited for KH3 years and years and years ago but now.. what does a grown-ass man want to play with Mickey Mouse for? Just how i feel.

so it only took them a whole console generation to make KH3

that's crazy enough to be true! i can dig your prediction. getting gamers to talk about your games is easier when theres "shit-talking and drama bs" happening behind the curtains that we "know about" *wink wink*

he said "yeah this game is going to be awesome! Like stepping in a pile of shit with your new Nikes!"

i really liked and sometimes loved the Final Fantasy games, but i could NOT bring myself to play tactics for more than an hour. i just couldn't get down with the combat system. I have never really been a strategy game guy and i think this is just "strategy-y-" enough to get me discouraged. I've been compelled to play