
i usually just hit jan 1 and random year after i crank down on the scroll wheel

I read the book first and that was pretty shocking. Had to put the book down for a sec and re-read some pages to make sure that "yeah.. he JUST did that." The show made it all happen a little quicker but the part that got me was Robb's wifey gets brutally stabbed right in the baby-belly over and over and over. That

Grey Hulk?

The goddamn Juggernaut!


Cthulu is that you?

great gazoo!

man how much longer must we wait for at least a demo??

the only thing is you would have to probably paint it yourself. i'm no expert on 3d printing but even if it used different coloured plastic, i would think that the finer details would be really hard/need a really really expensive printer to do lol. But i love that idea of buying something online and "printing it out"

graphics will take the next step when 70% of people don't have a 360 anymore. It doesn't make sense to NOT make games for it because of how popular is still is, but that hardware is old and tired as fuck.

Is that a Jose Canseco bat? Tell me... you didn't pay money for this.

Tru dat. I'm all for sleek names but i think the word One could mean so many things when you are speaking with someone. I have heard lots of people refer to the original Xbox as "the Xbox one". I really don't care what they call it as long as it works and doesn't have a high failure rate, but it will confuse the


i admit it does creep me out when people are pointing their phones around. "is that dude snappin' pics? Taking Video? Is something about to happen? Does he know something we don't? Or is he just playing angry birds?"

psp2 would sound kinda stupid. PS Go?

ok so why not call it the Xbox Neo. It's THE ONE! Or.. Xbox THE One. Or Xbox Singulus or ... whatever. I think Xbox One is a chinsey name

i'm not buyin no stinkin' xbox but i liked Xbox Durango and Xbox 720, the "rumor" names. The former just sounds kinda cool and 'merican and the latter just makes sense to me :p but w/e you say Microsoft. Lets confuse the parents and grandparents of kids who need to buy games and accessories for xmas!

i didn't even know about the "inner voice". i think that's a really cool touch! I havn't touched BL2 in a while, maybe i will give this psycho a try

game and show don't look that good...

yeah and even male elves are not very... manly