
my first (and only one in the case of my ME1 playthrough) was male.. because i didnt know man! i didnt know!!

wow... just wow. this game actually looks kinda cool

this looks better than ever! the worst part of the trailer was the very end where they showed that cheesy new ps3 super slim thing lol

i bet you any money the ps4 will have these games .. just on a digital download. I highly doubt, like you said, that popping the ps3 disc into the ps4 will load the game up, but i also highly doubt that sony would release exclusive games like this and leave the PS4 early adopters out!

Pretty cool trailer. Havn't played any other theif titles though. Think i should play the 1st one before i get this?

I can't imagine Ned Stark being played by anyone else

I appreciate the fact that the original Buster Sword has the two little holes near the bottom of the blade, and in-game there were two Materia slots :)

This lil drawing of him should have done more justice to the glowy-eyes he's supposed to have. Being an atomic mutated freak and all.

Hm maybe i will have to check it out! The only time i saw these new turtles was on some big cardboard cut-out at a local Toys-R-Us and the skin texture made them look like they were made of felt, but the character design was nice! Different in a good way. I'm glad they went away from the BIG MUSCLES Turtles of last

It's because people complain too much. FFVII has bad graphics, FFXIII is too linear, FFIX is too monkey-tails.

yes a good price drop, dedicated servers, some new game types or at least MAPS... and more unlocks... and if they really wanted a gold star they could release a way for modders to make maps, skins, etc... that could make the multiplayer much more appealing to more people. it really is fun and has lots of potential but

pc visuals weren't even that bad.. and amazing compared to the consoles

thanks steam :)

that was freaking AMAZING! The blueplate vids are usually impressive but damn that was an epic chaser vid

a ps4 that doubles as a portal turret?

perhaps learn to play a musical instrument instead?

I never really thought about it too much, and I have only played through the 1st and half of the second Dead Space but.. yeah man i LOVE that stomp! The first game i played in a dark room on halloween night alone with my then GF (now wife) and she just watched me play it through and we were both freaked out! I would

I have not read this while article yet but I need to spread the word that Aliens: Colonial Marines looks good on PC and the multiplayer is super FUN! The main problem with the online is that there isn't a huge number of people playing so finding games at certain "low volume" times can take a while. Most other problems

aw thats bad ass

also the new hitman on steam is 17 bux! regular 50!