
hands down the coolest cinematic! Not even sure what the game looks like yet but i'm sure it won't be half as cool as that

that's the best "that guy!" ever. Every time i see him i say "hey its THAT guy!"

usually i prefer the japanese voice work.. even though i don't understand it at all lol. In this game's case i think i would stick to english because all of the vids i've seen have some pretty good voice acting from what i could tell!

tear gas and sheilds? oh those nifty sound cannons they used on rioters in Toronto! and stun guns lol

tear gas and sheilds? oh those nifty sound cannons they used on rioters in Toronto! and stun guns lol

looks bad-ass! now do one with JC Denton! Plllleeeaaase!

original 151 or gtfo

way to turn an infuriating and tragic event into "omg games make you kill ppl". I find it extremely disrespectful to blame this horrible event on such a trite thing like a fucking video game.

noo wai. so can i go buy this on a sega cart if i wanted to? rofl this is the first time i've ever heard of someone making a game for a console thats ... how many generations old?! 4? 4.5 if you count 32x and Sega CD? lol

wasn't Crash in the beta?? coulda sworn... Cloud would be cool, or maybe another FFVII character that maybe didnt make the Dissidia roster lol. Something might show up in DLC.

one more thing! why is bastard such a "naughty" word? or bitch? female dogs and illegitimate children are offensive? the ever-evolving ye olde English language is quite silly, indeed.

first time for me was in metal class when i had to use a bastard file. made me lawl when the teacher said it.

yeah that bugged me too. if you say every damn word- "holding a rocket propelled grenade launcher" then it's ok. but nobody says that, they say the damn letters.

My favorite name for pretty much any female character I made starting with a certain Orc Rogue- Tuffrox.. inspired by the Casey Jones line in the original TMNT movie:

I have played and fully enjoyed so many JRPGs... but Chrono Trigger was the first to come to mind with tons of fond memories :)

havnt played ME3 but i remember one time my internet was down playing ME2 (on PC) and the menu took for goddamn ever to load because the second laptop screen that had to for some reason load before the main menu one wouldn't connect. it was the one that had news about DLCs and whatnots. what a pain.

i just had to see what a Chimchar was. i was well versed in the first 150 in my day, so i guessed it was a fire monkey (chimp, char... exactly like charmander, char and salamander?) yeah i was right. it also evolves into monferno... monkey and inferno... and then again into... yeah infernape.... inferno and ape.. wow.

this game came out when my son was born- 11-11-11. i got it on PS3 because it was just easier than the whole PC thing at the time. wish i got it for PC tho if only for the mods

hory sheet. yeah that cosplay chick up there would probably look very different without her half a pound of make-up

its a mainly multiplayer game. i dont think they are going for "epic engaging story line" here. if you actually play it tho, it it very intense during multiplayer combat