
Why don't you cheap bastards go ahead and ask for your $15 used games to come with the same shit as a $90 special edition? You are pretty much going to get the same answer. I, myself, don't give a shit. I am proud of my game collection. I never buy used, or sell my games off when i don't play then anymore. If a game

Chocobo Death Metal? Naw it's more like lame 90's wanna-be thrash. Like Rob Zombie but slightly heavier. Kinda sucks that the music is so bad.. Final Fantasy has ALWAYS been about amazing or at least pretty damn awesome music, even back in the day. I've never felt the need to own a game's soundtrack til FFVI.

it's *snap* into a slimjim :)

same here. Canada can see it, which is strange cuz usually the US hogs their videos to themselves (you know what i mean if you've ever tried to watch south park or anything like that off the american website) then it gives you a link to the canadian site that doesn't have the content! they gotta do something about

This was not only hilarious, but awesome. Rest in peace Macho Man!


i just hit lvl 13 on deadweight and i haven't really noticed anything like that. For the most part i've found helpful people who even stop to rez me on the side of the road after i got owned by a group of elite hunter guys lol. oh well


Not counting porn, which puts them in the top 100000000000000000000000050 overall

not counting porn, making them 100000000050th overall

red fang is an item in final fantasy 7. that is as close a relation as i can think of

When i saw this vid a while back i thought "skid metal". These guys are huge skids and this song is pretty good and the video is awesome

i keep getting tempted to disenchant mine! but it's too interesting and cool and funny to destroy it hehe

I played LOTRO years ago in the free trial. I appreciate both types of graphics but in my opinion, an MMO trying to go for realism isn't the best idea because a successful MMO will last a long time, and while most people don't care about the graphics after they've played the game for years- i think the more cartoonish

Partially because of Assassin's creed, and because of the front man from my favorite metal band, Devildriver. :)

i can see the schoolyard arguments now: "no way MY daddy is cooler! He beat all the sonic games with no cheats!"

My baby boy is only 1 month old. He was Born on 11/11/11 as a matter of fact (yeah i couldn't go to any skyrim midnight launches lol) and i had never even thought of this! I doing this with music, as i am a huge metal head too and i want to introduce him to metal the way i was, first with bands like Zeppelin and Cream

I was going to stop playing Skyrim and go outside... until i took an arrow in the knee.

ohhh snap you just went there!

ehhh... sorry man but that was a really bad pairing to illustrate your point. both are cartoonish. But Old Republic is TRYING to be cartoonish, WoW style. People who complain about games like WOW and SWOR for having "bad graphics" are retarded trolls that have missed the point anyway, so /ignore him :P