
at 1:10 ive seen that happen a few times in Mass Effect, too lol!

some people like Carrot Top.

commenting on your #2- Everyone can learn a thing or two from DCUO's character appearance mechanics. I played it for a while and customizing your look on the fly in that was is amazing! When you pick up an ugly piece of gear with good stats you can wear it with no fear of screwing up your motif. In other MMOs like WOW

The first few fights didnt seem to exciting. Guy attacks, lightning. Monster attacks. Lightning. Bigger monster attacks. bigger lightning. lol but this game looks sweet even though after my YEARS of playing WoW i am pretty much staying away from MMOs :P

I tried for hours to get decent at piloting the jet but i frackin gave up after getting 1 kill and dying more times than i cared to count. It would be nice to have a flight sim mode or some crap. The only way to get good is to practice. a lot. and to do that you have to be in a match with other people. Practicing

ROFL that was fuckin epic! Love the A-Team theme

Skyrim. For this weekend and every other weekend until i get bored of it. so maybe like 10 years.

Not just to survive but to prosper. Once you become an unstoppable mofo with a diamond house i suppose it could lose its fun, but still an interesting and fun game while you are playing it. Especially if you start getting into the modding game.

rofl that was good

They kinda milked it a little with all the box jumping, but everything else was great! Cool details like the wanted posters and Zack popping up from the mako sparks. Tifa's bewbs even moved a little when she moved lol! Well done :)

I really am lovin Skyrim. It is a lot better than i thought it would be. One of those rare times the hype was matched by a really awesome game. I say GOOD JOB Bethesda, lets see you make a new Fallout this good now :)

XII battle system was cool but it bored the shit out of me because i was also in the middle of my World of Warcraft addiction at the time. So i was super sick of the MMO style combat. I do agree that XII was the best one in years, but i didn't enjoy it as much as the older ones from the SNES to the PS1 years.

hard to get excited for this after the last.. oh 3 or 4.. or even 5 or 6 FF games they made :P

His epic ass retired a long time ago and is now meditating while waiting for D3 to come out :)

yeah i was waiting for it to burn away into a skeleton but it didn't seem to happen

my baby is going to be born when this game comes out. i might as well quit my job right now

Deus Ex is still a kick-ass and fun game. Over-rated? Maybe by some who are too fanboyish to see its flaws, but still an amazing game for it's time and still very fun.

I predict more stuff like that will happen when The Hobbit movie comes around. Maybe people who didnt read the books will be more interested in the history and mythology. I think you have a kick-ass idea. The first battle agasint Sauron was only gimpsed as a huge clash of orcs and elves with humans. Maybe they could

*ba-dum tch*

i'm sure there are still many people who will thoroughly enjoy a game they say NO to. I just read these as opinions of people who usually give a bit of their background so you can know what type of person they are.