
i guess my worst lie would be that i beat old and difficult games. Though i actually did beat them, i sorta leave out the part where it was on an emulator. Still damn hard games, but having save states makes it much easier

@GodhandX: nah the bearded guy with the apron on who was complaining about hurting his back and something about the doctor telling him not to swing giant swords anymore.. pretty sure that was him. Look at everything we know about a sword smith then look at him. Its a known fact that all sword/armor smiths are:

i love FF7.. but yeah more beards

anyone wanna play some Castle Crashers?

if they ever make a Half Life 3.. imagine what Counterstrike "3" could be with fully moddable skins and weps and levels and scenarios.

oh PS Killzone 3 is freakin awesome. over and out.

i really do dislike black ops. I have endured 140+ hours of MW2 online, despite no dedicated servers and hackers and all the bug exploiters. i still had tons of fun playing that game. I have no idea how many hours i spent on CoD4 online.. but it had to have been a lot more than that. So i was naturally excited for

If Edward James Olmos is in it, i'm there

ROFL If i could name those five people, i would want to get some better friends

its acne cream.

Unreal and Unreal Tournament were awesome. I tried Unreal Tournament 2529 Super Ultra Premium Edition With 100% More AWESOME GUN STUFF! or whatever that newer one was called... and it sucked a ball. And lotsa cool stuff runs on the Unreal Engine, so who cares if their games suck as long as someone with skillz uses the

wow corporations are dicks, huh? Regular dicks get coffee from the brake room and leave a tiny splash of coffee in the pot without making more. Corporate dicks sue you for millions :X

@WolfRogers: wow... i hope that was a joke imitating an xbot retard kid. I would first like to say that i don't hate the Xbox or any of their exclusive titles. I play most of them on PC if i cant get them on PS3. Also, God of War is awesome and has been copied many times over by hack 'n slash adventure games. Heavy

@DeadnBuried: get a Sony Bravia. It only goes dark in power-save mode when it detects that most of the screen is black anyway (say during the credits to a movie). Sony LG lawl

@Rhapsodos: i was thinking the same, but i suppose if some egghead at LG thought of an idea for an electronic part that controls the thing that does something else (a tiny and almost insignificant part) and they find out that Sony's PS3 has a device that's so similar it is almost indistiguishable from the LG egg

Now playing

21... simply for the feature list at the bottom. Ah man this game has PYLONS!

Some of us need to adopt the 'less QQ more PEW PEW' as a way of life.. it does NOT help that there is so much anonymity online

lol exactly true. The ineternet doesnt make people hateful. It's just a convenient place to go be hateful. Theres also an incredible need, i find, for people part of a group to question their peers' commitment to said group. example: lets imagine you say you like Star Wars to a serious Star Wars fan- she/he might just

lol yep thats the magic of the internet. Haters gunna hate.. but throwing the hate back and causing flame wars doesnt help anyone. better to ignore and let the hate-spewing dumbasses to be all alone with no attention... like a 2 year old having a tantrum heh-heh